“范文大全” 保证书


发布时间:2019-03-05 来源:保证书 手机版


  i am terribly sorry to be late for classes for so many times. i find it is a bad behavior. what's more, this behavior has laid a lot of bad influences on my classmates, also, brought vast amount of destructive results to myself. i don't know why i didn't follow my teachers suggestions to go to class on time ,however, now i strongly feel there's still a chance for me to correct it. i promise that being late for classes thing will never happen on me again.

  now i beg the forgiveness from you, i know perhaps myself don't deserve any forgiveness, but i still hope you can finally forgive my misconduct. for this, i guarantee that i won't be late any more. if you can give me such a valuable chance to help me out from the miserable past, i will appreciate it very much.

  finally, i want to say sorry again for my wrongness. besides, please supervise my behavior!


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