“范文大全” 辞职报告


发布时间:2019-07-10 来源:辞职报告 手机版


  resignation letter

  it is with regret that i must inform you of my resignation from my position as administrator at twin cakes corp. effective jan 1, xx.

  i have invested over 13 years of my life at twin cakes corp. and my decision to move on from this position has not come lightly or easily.

  it has been a privilege to work with the people at twin cakes corp., i will be forever grateful for the opportunities that have been provided to me during my time here. these years have been so rewarding for me personally and professionally i thank you for providing me with support and guidance over the years.

  in the coming weeks i will ensure that any outstanding issues are wrapped up and that records and files are left in order for the incumbent administrator. if there are any priorities that you have for me to wrap up please let me know so i can do my best to ensure that i focus on that for you.

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