“范文大全” 担保书


发布时间:2016-11-26 来源:担保书 手机版
the corporation. for this trading account ("account") the
undersigned agrees to jointly a nd severally guarantee
personally the immediate, full a nd complete performance of any a nd all of the duties a nd obligations of this
account a nd the payment of any a nd all damages, costs a nd expenses, which may become recoverable by
gme from the corporation.
this guarantee shall remain in full force a nd effect until the termination of this client services agreement,
provided that the undersigned shall not be released from their obligations so long as the account a nd any
obligations the account has with gme lasts.
personal guarantee acknowledgment
this guarantee shall inure to the benefit of gme, its successors a nd assigns, a nd shall be binding on the
undersigned a nd their heirs.
this assigns:
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ _______________ ____________________
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ ________________ _____________________
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ ________________ _____________________
    • 工作担保书

      甲方:  地址:  乙方:  性别:  出生年月:   文化程度:   身份证号:   邮编:  甲方因工作需要,聘用乙方为合同工驾驶员,经甲乙双方平等协商,自愿签订本合同。  一、

    • 投标担保书格式

      投标银行保函 致:江西省交通厅***高速公路建设项目办公室鉴于(投标人全称)(下称“投标人”)拟向江西省交通厅***高速公路建设项目办公室(下称“招标人”)递交关于江西省***高速公路***至***段

    • 担保书相关知识

      经 济 担 保 书 担保人: 被担保人:一、担保人 愿意为 作经济担保

    • 如何写执行担保书

      【制作依据】 执行担保书文书样式供在执行过程中,被执行人或者第三人(即担保人),为了保证生效法律文书所确定的义务的履行,向人民法院提供某项财物作为抵押,从而换得暂缓执行的效果时使用。

    • 诉前财产保全担保书参考范本

      编号:  担保人:  地址:  邮编:  被担保人:  被担保人与 (下称被申请人)之间    纠纷一案,被担保人现向贵院申请诉前保全被申请人名下价值人民币  万元整(   )的财产(财产线索