“范文大全” 道歉信


发布时间:2020-03-19 来源:道歉信 手机版




  Dear my friend,

  Today, this article is to write to someone, she because of a trifle angry with me, I write this article here am I apologies. This misunderstanding is this: I wrote a story, there are the students of our class, also have her, today in the past when the students say they don't like the name, so I let them changed something nice, but she didn't come today make up a missed lesson, so I didn't change, and now she think we hate her, think she is very ugly, very bad. Here I want to say to her: in fact we didn't think she is very ugly, she is very bad, also didn't hate her, on the contrary, we are very fond of her. Like she sometimes serious, sometimes crazy; Sometimes to make us mad, and sometimes to make us happy. Such a she, I think is perfect. She's really nice, save a lot of problems for us, although we sometimes small conflict, but it is only our friends a stumbling block on the road, we might have a fall, but fell after, can have a sincerely willing to pick you up, that is good.


  Dear my friend,

  I'm sorry. The last time I shouldn't put your things on the lawn just into the office. But I really didn't mean it, you know I have a bad memory, careless. You give something to my preservation is to believe me, but I was careless. If it weren't for you to find fast may have been lost. After you scold me, I should not because at that time the anger and walk away. After I calm down and wanted to think just detection oneself wrong indeed. First should put your things casually and forget to take, the second is you blame me, I should apologize to you, to comfort you, rather than walk away I should not make you angry, anyway, thousand wrong all wrong is all my fault. We have known each other for 6 years, you know me, I have been few friends. We met the first day of school, get along well with each other. But in the third grade, I, it is not your good friend. To be honest I have is all alone, over the years until sixth grade turns to a girl in our class, with her, I am not lonely. Soon graduated, I hope to bring good memories to my primary school life. I even don't get along the classmates at ordinary times to chat, talk, exchanges. Especially you, are you angry, be wronged, I comfort you, make you laugh. Play with you, hope and you can become good friends again. Still remember the rainy weather we're having our lessons in the classroom when you are not happy I give you preach note? "The sky is sugar, even if fall under what?... what the rain again big, just pour a happily smile... it's not a big deal 'happy smile." I remember these notes! Hope I can with a note from you smile again. I am very cherish our friendship, but at that time, I'm just a fool. Mimi, forgive me? We also will be good friends!!!!


  Dear my friend,

  I think for a long time and guilt for a long time. After that thing happened, I very guilty, I can understand your feelings at the moment, I don't know is my right. Whatever you are willing to forgive me, I have to say to you some words still. You are the person I love, there is still a long way to go for our future, hard to avoid can meet with something we dispute, but as long as we forgive each other, everything is settled, this also is such. I am a sincere, love you. This time things to cause you hurt, I feel sorry to you. Sorry ` ` whether you accept or not accept ` ` this sentence sorry is ` sincerely say to you!! Forgive me good yao ` `? I know no matter how to say it won't be out of the mindset of I want to give you an apology, too much sorry and also don't know whether you can accept, can only hope you know that I love your heart will not change

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