“范文大全” 道歉信


发布时间:2020-04-09 来源:道歉信 手机版



Dear XXX,

  I am so sorry that I was late to the class this morning.Although it because that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

  If you would accept my appologize,that would be great.I promiss you that I will not be late to any class again.

  Yours sincerely

  Tony Blair


Dear Zhang,

  I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time. I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening,and I will continue to entertain them in the following two days.

  I really regret that I haven't go to celebrate your birthday personally and had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages. I have prepared a pretty gift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to show my best birthday wishes. Besides, I trust that you will understand me.

  Best wishes,

  yours sincerely,



Hi Miss Liu

  I am writing to express my sorry for the breaking of an appointment. We were agreed that I will go to your office to discuss my homework on ten o'clock Monday morning, but I was busy with something else which is important for me. I am so sorry for did not inform you about it.

  Best regards



  Dear Ms.Dong,

  Good days to you!I am writing to appologize for missing your classes recently. I slept not well last night , and I didnt hear my alarm clock , so I cut classes in the morning. I have been regretted for what Ive done,and make a decision that I will not be absent in your class from now on.I promise that I will try my best to be a good student and never bring you any trouble.I have the confidence that Ill surely be interested in your lessons in near future through my endeavor in study.I will catch up with my classmates not before long.Hoping you could trust me.

  Please accept my sincere appologize.Thank you!

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Cheng-long旷课英文道歉信1

Dear XXX,

  I am so sorry that I was late to the class this morning.Although it because that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

  If you would accept my appologize,that would be great.I promiss you that I will not be late to any class again.

  Yours sincerely

  Tony Blair


Dear Zhang,

  I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time. I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening,and I will continue to entertain them in the following two days.

  I really regret that I haven't go to celebrate your birthday personally and had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages. I have prepared a pretty gift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to show my best birthday wishes. Besides, I trust that you will understand me.

  Best wishes,

  yours sincerely,



Hi Miss Liu

  I am writing to express my sorry for the breaking of an appointment. We were agreed that I will go to your office to discuss my homework on ten o'clock Monday morning, but I was busy with something else which is important for me. I am so sorry for did not inform you about it.

  Best regards



  Dear Ms.Dong,

  Good days to you!I am writing to appologize for missing your classes recently. I slept not well last night , and I didnt hear my alarm clock , so I cut classes in the morning. I have been regretted for what Ive done,and make a decision that I will not be absent in your class from now on.I promise that I will try my best to be a good student and never bring you any trouble.I have the confidence that Ill surely be interested in your lessons in near future through my endeavor in study.I will catch up with my classmates not before long.Hoping you could trust me.

  Please accept my sincere appologize.Thank you!

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Cheng-long

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