“范文大全” 道歉信


发布时间:2020-12-17 来源:道歉信 手机版




  Dear Mary,

  I’m very sorry for not having replied to your July 6th letter sooner. When your letter

  arrived, I was in Beijing. As my secretary couldn’t forward it to me, it has been lying on my desk until I got back.

  Thank you for all your news. It is good to know that your company has agreed to sign the contract to continue the cooperation with us. And we surely will have a bigger success in the near future.

  Look forward to catching up and once again apologize for the delay.




  Respected Mr. Arthur

  I am the manager of Med Tour. Thank you very much for bring this matter to our attention. I appreciate that you give us such a useful criticism which can help our tour make progress. I feel terribly sorry to hear that you have experienced a unhappy trip. Please accept our sincere apologies for what makes you unpleasant. I promise you that our tour will make a great change. First, I will give our staff a training and arrange someone as a representative in the airport. Then, the food in our hotel will be persified and I will do whatever I can to improve the service level of whole tour. In addition, some transportation will be provided for visitors from our hotel to the beach. I hope you can keep faith in our tour. Our tour will make effort to make up our mistake for you. Above all, your satisfaction is our priority. Please find enclosed a voucher as a compensation for you. If you have any question or suggestions, please call me anytime anywhere. Thank you again.

  I wish you all the best! Your sincerely Med tour


  dear miss nancy,

  much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.

  hoping to see you soon.

  truly yours,



  Dear ______,

  I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to .

  The reason is that ______ . I am sorry that I cannot finish in time, but is it possible that I make up the loss by ? If so, I will put everything else aside to .

  I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.

  Yours sincerely,



  Dear David,


  I’m writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I’m very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday. I also borrow some other books in the library before I left. Unluckily, when I arrived at my dormitory, I couldn’t find your book. I searched all my dormitory and the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for the library. However, I couldn’t find your book. I’m sorry I can’t give back to you on time as I promised before. But I will buy a new one for you later.Hope you can accept my appologies.

  我写这封信是为了表达我对弄丢了你借给我的书的真诚的歉意。我很感激你把书借给我。为了能够尽快把书还给你,我昨天把它带到图书馆去看了。在我离开图书馆之前我也借了几本图书馆的书。很不幸的是,我回到宿舍后发现你的书不见了。我把宿舍,宿舍到图书馆的路都找遍了。 第二天我也去图书馆找了。可是,我就死找不到你的书。我很抱歉不能遵守之前的承诺按时把书还给你。但是我后面会帮你买一本新的。希望你能接受我的道歉。

  Yours Sincerely,

  Li Lei



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