“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-03-25 来源:导游词 手机版




  Welcome to the bai causeway! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

  Bai causeway formerly known as white sand dam, built for the case-dough water to irrigate their fields. Old with sand ground, today has been changed to asphalt pavement. As early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, famous for its beautiful landscapes. People thought that the dam was presided over bai juyi building, call it bai causeway. Actually when former hangzhou secretariat of bai juyi, near the old outside a qiantang Shi Hanqiao built a dam, known as the white male dam, now has no trace to be found. Bai causeway known today, although with bai juyi host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder of the hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the old mayor", is named bai causeway.

  Bai causeway formerly known as "white sand dam", is the tie that will be connected to the scenic spot of hangzhou, east "broken bridge can xue", the brocade belt to the west, in "the foundation", long about 2 in. In tang dynasty is called white sand dike, sand dikes, in song and Ming also called isolated hill road, ShiJin pond.

  Secretariat of the tang dynasty poet bai juyi of hangzhou from time to tome did: "love koto line is insufficient, green Yang Yinli white sand dike." Namely the dike. Later generations to commemorate the poet, known as bai causeway.

  Bai causeway wide, clear, by the lake density weeping willows, the outer is all kinds of peach blossom, looking back to the mountains with green, the lake TuBi, such as in the middle. Every April willow green narrow leaves with soft switch is the wind dancing dancing on the lake, willow branches fluttering down into the lake. Weeping willows and lake to let a person feel the perfect harmony of nature and love.

  Bai causeway scenery, four seasons: spring peach Xia Liu, autumn winter snow, guangxi is a unique style.


  October 4 in the morning, I am happy mood, take up in hangzhou train. As the trees outside the window and move back home quickly, my heart already fly to hangzhou has been known as a paradise on earth, fly to the bai causeway to my yearning. About three hours, to hangzhou, I am very excited, eager taxi ride ChiQu towards the west lake, in a short time came to the edge of the west lake. At this moment, the sun appears to be particularly friendly to me, his head from the clouds to smiling, golden sunlight on the scenery, as if she is wearing a golden coat, looks very gorgeous. Look, the lake also grow the lotus! Resembled each round lotus leaf green boat floating on the lake.

  Walking on the long bai causeway, embankment on both sides of the skeletons willow, curved osier is almost to hang down on the lake. Look look, see the lake mountain peaks, rolling, become a piece of lakes and mountains, the scenery is fantastic! Walking, I volunteered as a part-time tour guide, plausibly, introduces the origin of bai causeway, bai causeway formerly known as white sand dike, as early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, the beautiful landscapes and known as the legend is writer bai juyi was ordered to build the embankment, hangzhou people to commemorate his feats call this dike bai causeway. "Hey, you this small amateur guide is good ah", father praised me. Looking at mom and dad surprised expression, I smiled proudly. Looking at this is invigorating the beauty, intoxicated by me. "To spend gradually a charming eye, shallow grass can't horseshoe. Love koto line is insufficient, green white sand dike in the Yin Yang." This song bai juyi's poem, it is the best portrayal of bai causeway.

  The trip to west lake bai causeway, make me feel the beauty of the west lake, the beauty of bai causeway is a benefit.


  In order to feel the beautiful spring, on Sunday, I went to the west lake and the family on the bai causeway.

  Took to long broken bridge, a cool breeze, greeted by strain, was a green willow and just spit movements in the peach blossom. Under the willow trees on the lakeside, head hanging ten million "green braid", is "jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash." Ah! Peach blossom like green lace colour ornament, the bai causeway is like the beauty of the west lake belt, beautiful. Down the broken bridge, we go forward to a more leisurely pace.

  Walk on the top, look down, just grass, rising from the earth was green and soft, it must be very comfortable to sit on. Looked up and saw the level as a mirror of the west lake. The west lake water is clear, clear can faintly see lake fish; The west lake water is quiet, quiet you can use it to look in the mirror, the beauty of the lake in the "mirror" is more beautiful; The west lake water really green ah, green as if it is a huge flawless jade. Still driving a few small boat on the lake, vaguely can hear a few birds, is really a quiet leisure good place!

  More distant, in the bosom of mountains, both coasts stands on the mountainside, its "chubby figure" plus the glittering "pointy hat" at the top, like to the west lake with golden crown.

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