“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-04-11 来源:导游词 手机版


  dear visitors, we are running at the national famous tourist resort ,the national-level four-star forest park——gupo hill.every year millions of travelers from everywhere in our country rush into gupo hill to experience its miracle.how can gupo hill be so popular?ok.it is my honour to share the fantastic scenery in gupo hill with you!

  first,what you can never miss is xiangu temple.that is a holy place for the devotees.you should make a bow to show your respect to the xiangu.making a pray with some incense sticks is very necessary,especially when you want to pray for good fortune.here we cne into the hall,where the monk chant and meditate.there existing a maitreya buddha.it is said that touching his ears can achieve long life,touching his nose can bring wisdom and touching his stomach can grow rich.believe it or not,just have a try!

  the next station is a fall called xiannvshanhua fall.it’s named because of its falling is very much like a fairy spreading flowers.very beautiful,isn’t it?allright,there are many other famous falls in gupo hill,such as yulong fall,xiangu fall,galloper fall etc.all the falls mentioned above are very wonderful and attractive.they are very much like many silvery milky ways sweep rapidly down!the falls are trickling droplets .you will feel like youselves living in a mysterious wonderland if you’re approaching them.it feel like that you’re carrying through a thorough baptism.why not just go to experience that absorbing feeling yourselves?

  is there anybody would like to have a drink?ok,we are cning,wines’ country!there are many kinds of wines here.if you’re fond of drinking,this is just the very place you’re looking for.be seated around the table,faced with the beautiful landscape,with various wines to taste.just imagine it,how can you hold-up your tendency to enjoy this splendid moment?

  eventually,it cnes to the monkeys’home.there are many mokeys here and there.they are all very cute and active.attention:keep your food stay with you ,or the monkey will grasp firmly on your food ,especially when the food give out pleasant smell.they are very smart and naughty.i think you will love them.

  ok,our journey cnes to the end so fast.i bet that we’re all enjoying the wonderful trip,aren’t we?that’s a big feast for our eyes and ears.the good-smelling flowers ,the singing birds and the clean rills and so on.i believe that it will be an unforgettable memory for everyone here.let’s expect the next fascinating travelling!  dear visitors, we are running at the national famous tourist resort ,the national-level four-star forest park——gupo hill.every year millions of travelers from everywhere in our country rush into gupo hill to experience its miracle.how can gupo hill be so popular?ok.it is my honour to share the fantastic scenery in gupo hill with you!

  first,what you can never miss is xiangu temple.that is a holy place for the devotees.you should make a bow to show your respect to the xiangu.making a pray with some incense sticks is very necessary,especially when you want to pray for good fortune.here we cne into the hall,where the monk chant and meditate.there existing a maitreya buddha.it is said that touching his ears can achieve long life,touching his nose can bring wisdom and touching his stomach can grow rich.believe it or not,just have a try!

  the next station is a fall called xiannvshanhua fall.it’s named because of its falling is very much like a fairy spreading flowers.very beautiful,isn’t it?allright,there are many other famous falls in gupo hill,such as yulong fall,xiangu fall,galloper fall etc.all the falls mentioned above are very wonderful and attractive.they are very much like many silvery milky ways sweep rapidly down!the falls are trickling droplets .you will feel like youselves living in a mysterious wonderland if you’re approaching them.it feel like that you’re carrying through a thorough baptism.why not just go to experience that absorbing feeling yourselves?

  is there anybody would like to have a drink?ok,we are cning,wines’ country!there are many kinds of wines here.if you’re fond of drinking,this is just the very place you’re looking for.be seated around the table,faced with the beautiful landscape,with various wines to taste.just imagine it,how can you hold-up your tendency to enjoy this splendid moment?

  eventually,it cnes to the monkeys’home.there are many mokeys here and there.they are all very cute and active.attention:keep your food stay with you ,or the monkey will grasp firmly on your food ,especially when the food give out pleasant smell.they are very smart and naughty.i think you will love them.

  ok,our journey cnes to the end so fast.i bet that we’re all enjoying the wonderful trip,aren’t we?that’s a big feast for our eyes and ears.the good-smelling flowers ,the singing birds and the clean rills and so on.i believe that it will be an unforgettable memory for everyone here.let’s expect the next fascinating travelling!

    • 关于香港的导游词范文

      游客们:  大家好,欢迎大家前来香港游玩。在本次行程中,我会向大家介绍我国的香港,祝大家玩得开心。  香港是个著名的港口,世界各地的商人都喜欢来这儿做生意,香港的商品琳琅满目,各种各样。因此,香港被称为‘‘购物天堂’’你们想去吗?  在香港,人们能品尝到各种可口的食物,比如:川菜、德国菜、意大利面……所以,香港又称为‘‘美食天堂’’。  当然,最不能错过的就是我们的迪士尼乐园。游览完海洋公园,就来到了欢声笑语的美妙世界,迪士尼乐园有4个主题:美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界和明日世界。每一个主题都有不一样

    • 精选导游词300字

        导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,以下是小编整理的导游词300字,欢迎大家参阅。  第1篇:导游词300字  亲爱的游客,你们好!  昨天,我们参观了美丽的颐和园,今天我们要参观壮观的万里长城.  你们快来看呀!从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,足有一万三千多里.从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到了长城脚下.这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固.城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行.城墙外沿有两米多高的成排垛子,垛子上有方行的两个

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        荆州古城,是位于湖北省荆州市的一座名胜古迹,有东南西北4个老城门门以及一个新南门,城内有玄妙观、关帝庙及铁女寺等。下面是范文大全为大家带来的荆州古城导游词,希望可以帮助大家。荆州古城导游词范文1:  这个著名的文化士城,座落在辽阔富饶的江汉平原的西沿。汉朝的时候,全国划分为三十六州,道里因北有荆山而得名。东晋以後,有几个皇帝在这里建都,使这座城池成了历代王朝屯兵置府的重镇、兵家必争之地。  荆州古城分为三层,外边是水城,中间是砖城,里面是土城。据说当年为防止城基下陷,洪水泛城,右城脚条石缝中浇灌糯米浆

    • 校园导游词四年级

        校园是每个人的美好回忆,下面是范文大全为大家带来的校园导游词四年级,希望可以帮助大家。  篇一:校园导游词四年级  大家好,我是你们的小导游——小洁,今天,我将带领大家参观我们美丽而年轻的校园。  进了学校的大门,我们就来到了幸福广场。你们看呀,在幸福广场中间的一棵高大粗壮的树下面,几个小朋友和他们的老师一起围着树快乐地转圈圈,他们多高兴呀,微笑挂满了他们的面孔。再看旁边,一位面容慈祥的老奶奶正坐在凳子上慈爱地看着孩子们。你们知道她是谁吗?她就是我国有名的作家—&m

    • 一些关于导游词的精选范文

        横店影视城,是集影视、旅游、度假、休闲、观光为一体的大型综合性旅游区,以其厚重的文化底蕴和独特的历史场景而被评为国家AAAAA级旅游景区。1996年,为配合著名导演谢晋拍摄历史巨片《鸦片战争》而建,并对社会正式开放。下面是一些精选范文,希望你们喜欢。  横店影视城导游词  大家好很高兴见到各位,首先我代表快乐巴士旅游对大家此次到来表示热烈的欢迎,俗话说有缘千里来相会,这天和大家在此相会就是缘分。本人托大家的鸿福,很幸运能够成为大家的导游。在那里要跟大家说声谢谢哦:先自我介绍吧,我呢是快乐巴士的导游员,