“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-04-29 来源:导游词 手机版




  Paris, the capital of the French republic, historical and cultural city, one of the world's most bustling metropolis.

  A history of 20xx years, as the capital of France also has more than 800 years, is an ancient capital city

  And there is a beautiful name - huadu

  But the meaning of the "flower" is not the flowers, it is the "romantic".

  Paris is the city of real flowers. Call it "flower". Whether it is on the table, on the balcony, in the yard, or in front of the window, the street, people's arms, eyeful is blooming flowers, intoxicating fragrance filled the air. And those colorful flower blossoms and park, is to let people linger. This is a city with a history of more than 20xx years.

  Compared to its reputation as a "romantic" in Paris, I felt more "flowers" this title is more appropriate, because it implies the diversity of the city. Indeed, one thousand people in the face of Paris, as in the face of one thousand different Paris. Noble, broad, solemn and quiet, energetic, and dissension, different people will have different feelings.

  Paris city covers an area of 105 square kilometers, with seven provinces around it, and constitute a greater, covers an area of 120xx square kilometers, about more than 1000 people, this is Western Europe metropolis. The towering Eiffel Tower, resplendent and magnificent palace of Versailles, solemn arc DE triomphe, world famous Notre Dame DE Paris, etc., attracts tourists from all over the world come.

  Paris, the famous landscape in addition to the Eiffel Tower, the arc DE triomphe, the Louvre ` Notre Dame DE Paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if want to savor, 1 year is not enough.

  Regardless of the other, say first Paris... !

  Notre Dame DE Paris is located in the centre of Paris on the Seine cite, was founded in 1163, is the archbishop of Paris, Maurice DE sully decided to build, the whole church was completed in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.

  Once had many great ceremony held here, such as read winning the second world war in 1945 hymns, and such as France's President, general DE gaulle's funeral in 1970. Notre Dame DE Paris is a stone building in the world history of architecture, known as the level of large stone symphony. Although this is a religious building, but its flashing the French people's wisdom, reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.


  Through the window, everything was silent, silent in the milky light mist. The fog, gently, as if between people, things and things with a layer of soft veils, and like rain from the sky in a thick and wide big curtain. Became a blur the line of sight, there are only a few comings and goings of vehicles. Sometimes a few double loom glittering slowly close to the "big eyes", while, it disappeared in the soft fog.

  Slowly, a clear mysterious river appeared in front of our eyes. A gust of wind blowing, the river is dimpled one full of life, from a small round of expansion, gradually expand...

  This is the world-famous river Seine. Although it is not the Nile long; No stream clear; Not the blue like the sea. But, you always have others no efforts; You have not seen any other style; You didn't always experienced others experience wind and rain; You have not seen others' success. Every one has its own specialty, every thing has its own light. Is the same as the Seine river, it has the shore is the most beautiful, most of the scenery.

  Don't you know the Seine ivor near the Eiffel Tower? Don't you know the thirty-six bridge on the river Seine? Don't you know the Seine at the side of the Louvre? Don't you know the Seine at the side of the arc DE triomphe? Don't you know the Seine beside the harmony of the square? Don't you know the Seine near champs elysees? Don't you know...

  Yes, the Seine also has its own window. You see, ivor Eiffel Tower solemnly stood beside the Seine, straighten the waist, eyes scanning the surrounding. Because, the earth to its highest in Paris, the strong body, good let it better to protect the Seine her graceful posture, so it moment constantly stick to his post.

  You see, Notre Dame DE Paris tightly nestled beside the Seine, solemn told us a story for thousands of years of wind and frost. Oh, even the little angel could not help but quietly sat on his shoulder, myself being naughty, quietly listening to the endless aftertaste endless history.

  You see, the Seine 36 children naughty and stood in the middle of the river, one leg on the left bank, another leg on the right bank. They make friends on both sides of the comings and goings, provide people with convenient, let the flowers of friendship are full of on both sides, make happy flowers float in all directions, let the pairs of lovers in the far away. far away. the bridge under the blessing of happiness forever.

  You see, a giant crystal embedded in the square, with a blue ripples, as if a with a twinkle in her eyes, and like a transparent pyramids in Egypt. People like the ants moving, surrounded around it. Yes, this is the Louvre museum, having infinite treasure here, here is the heaven of the collector; Is the treasure house of photography fans; Arcadia is painting a picture enthusiasts. Here is the Chinese and foreign famous Mona Lisa, here is the man brokeback Venus ", there is famous, the goddess of victory, there is a household name "scream", there are well-known Chinese and foreign the eternity of time... And so on famous works.

  You see, the arch of a giant stands in the square, filled with bloody names on the arch, some still under the name painted lines alarming crawly horizontal line. The name is the name of all the soldiers, the following names scratched dash is died. Yes, this is the arc DE triomphe, as napoleon series of victory in the war, 1806-1806 by Pierre francois that Dan and le bair blanchard west of design, construction. Looking at the arc DE triomphe, like I pictured in the battlefield, the blood of the pieces of red flowers blooming the slaughter of the battlefield.

  You see, a tree-lined road runs through Paris, France famous attractions, as if she is the soul of Paris, and a look, she is like a bond, connect the great big small places of the ancient land. Sometimes she over the air force fleet formation flying over the street, the plane jet blue Bai Gongsan color smoke, sometimes above the arc DE triomphe The searchlight shot blue, white, red three color light, hand in photograph reflect with the bright lights of the street. Her from the arc DE triomphe, east to place DE la Concorde. The most chic is in her 700 meters on both sides of a tree-lined avenue, there is a in place of leisure. In green trees and green basket, charactizing a fine spring day, is the figure of the fragrance place to draw attention of the world. However, she is wonderful, beautiful avenue in the paper was originally for rural paradise. With the moving of the bus, the passage of time, a day in the past. Slowly, the sun is more and more close to the river, from time to time, to go to the other side of the earth. My thoughts down the river, with the hope for tomorrow, slowly flow to the distance...


  In Paris, I deeply feel the charm of it. The Eiffel Tower is attractive. The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris.

  The tower is all made of steel. It stands on the right bank of the Seine Mars square in the centre of the city. About a dozen stories tall. On the third floor, I can have a bird's eye view panoramic view of Paris. The place DE la Concorde is attractive. The square of the area is larger than two wulin square. In the middle of the square there was a huge fountain. The fountain is busy work. I want to splash water must be very cool. Fountain is surrounded by flower beds, flowers are colorful, trim trees very neatly, grass green, and is very smooth, like a green blanket. The Seine is attractive.

  The Seine in the tower under the soles of the feet, it is flowing quietly, like a green ribbon around Paris. Driving the stars boat over the river. It is with the visitors to watch the beautiful scenery on both sides. The Louvre is also attractive. Give a person a kind of momentum into the Louvre, resplendent and magnificent feeling. At the top is lifelike giant oil painting, carving beside the golden statue. Here has a famous statue of Venus brokeback.

  You see her grave, ancient Greek white dress stared at the front. Also has a leonardo Da Vinci is famous Mona Lisa, painted the Mona Lisa smile is so peaceful, so sweet. And Egypt's collection, one collection is so delicate, so realistic.

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