“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2020-05-06 来源:导游词 手机版




  Hello everyone, my name is hong, are you the lijiang tour guide, I hope you have fun in the tour.

  I told you so much, everybody also saw so many, but is coming into the city, how didn't see the gate? Actually is invisible to the guests, this is also the one of the ancient city of lijiang, can't see the gate, could not see the wall, because there is no ancient city walls and gates, because the head of the naxi nationality name is "wood" if built walls and gates became "trapped" word, so ancient city without walls, also does not have the gates.

  Into the old town of lijiang, see the square street. Square street, like the spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way to it. Sifang street was paved by the multicolored, heels, on a multicolored sounds don't have a new idea, the sound is ringing, somewhat like the sound of a bell. Sifang street is the center of the city square, natural adornment beautiful and distinctive, even the inn is very beautiful. Sifang street inn is located in the center of the lijiang ancient city square street plaza, has a unique environmental advantages. Inn garden Bridges, lush flowers and trees, inherited the naxi ethnic aesthetic temperament and interest, one thousand years is harmony, harmonious concept of natural life. Inn each room design is unique, you can walk in the square street, absolutely no two rooms are the same.

  The old town of lijiang have to put the light! Lijiang has a very special custom, is light. Put the lamp is old town of lijiang river of an ancient custom. It is said that each night, the dragon king of ying tan will follow the ancient city of jade river cruise, put a river light points to the dragon king the lighting, not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the dragon king bless and luck, success in the coming days. This legend. Put a river light, make a wish.

  In many parts of lijiang is very beautiful, said also said not net, I hope you have a chance to be touring. This time you have fun? The answer is yes!!!! The chance next time I will take you to see the scenery of the ancient city of lijiang again!


  Dear visitors, everybody is good, very glad to be your tour guide, my name is dai, you can call me wear guide, today we're visiting place ─ ─ of lijiang.

  You come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Lijiang has the dual nature and culture charm known as forget time, also known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is China's famous historical and cultural city not only in the ancient city wall. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers. Now we came to the tiger leaping gorge.

  There is a legend. Nu river, lancang river and jinsha river is the three sisters, sister nujiang love angry, two elder sister love try so hard, the lancang river three younger sister jinshajiang wanxian. Parents would send three sisters marry to the west, jinsha river dark about two sisters fled to south. Came to the town of lijiang, shek kwu, two sisters would continue to head south, jinsha river is determined to go to the east of the sun, just say goodbye to my sister, and turned toward the east, and formed the "Yangtze river first bay". Parents send yulong, khabarov brothers pursuit of the three sisters. Sit face to face two brothers came to lijiang white sands, blocking the way to the east. Run tired, two people take turns to wait agreement, who as French WenZhan let sisters. Turn khabarov waiting, yulong fell asleep.

  Jinsha river before, put light footsteps, singing beautiful hypnosis. Her a gift for 18 teams, khabarov listen also fell asleep. Jinsha river from their feet slipped between the past. Yulong wake up and see the jinsha river ran to the east, early and khabarov still in a deep sleep, so we have to according to the French cut down khabarov head, turns back and wept bitterly. Two brothers turned to jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain, khabarov head into a boulder fell into the river, tiger leaping gorge, and jinsha river sing eighteen song into 18 beach, tiger leaping gorge.

  There are beautiful scenes of lijiang, could not say. The rest of the time, we are free to take pictures, pay attention to safety.


  I told you so much, everybody also saw so many, but is coming into the city, how didn't see the gate? Actually is invisible to the guests, this is also the one of the ancient city of lijiang, can't see the gate, could not see the wall, because there is no ancient city walls and gates, because the head of the naxi nationality name is "wood" if built walls and gates became "trapped" word, so ancient city without walls, also does not have the gates.

  Into the old town of lijiang, see the square street. Square street, like the spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way to it. Sifang street was paved by the multicolored, heels, on a multicolored sounds don't have a new idea, the sound is ringing, somewhat like the sound of a bell. Sifang street is the center of the city square, natural adornment beautiful and distinctive, even the inn is very beautiful. Sifang street inn is located in the center of the lijiang ancient city square street plaza, has a unique environmental advantages. Inn garden Bridges, lush flowers and trees, inherited the naxi ethnic aesthetic temperament and interest, one thousand years is harmony, harmonious concept of natural life. Inn each room design is unique, you can walk in the square street, absolutely no two rooms are the same.

  The old town of lijiang have to put the light! Lijiang has a very special custom, is light. Put the lamp is old town of lijiang river of an ancient custom. It is said that each night, the dragon king of ying tan will follow the ancient city of jade river cruise, put a river light points to the dragon king the lighting, not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the dragon king bless and luck, success in the coming days. This legend. Put a river light, make a wish.

  In many parts of lijiang is very beautiful, said also said not net, I hope you have a chance to be touring. This time you have fun? The answer is yes!!!! The chance next time I will take you to see the scenery of the ancient city of lijiang again!

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