“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2021-01-17 来源:导游词 手机版




  Good friends! Now, we went to the famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River between Chongqing and Hubei, is called the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling gorge. The magnificent scenery, pulling insurance yet Ya Zhuang is beautiful, is a good place for leisure.

  The total length of two hundred km, we look at both sides are continuous mountains, mountain without a gap, such as a green area. Here the mountains touch the sky, clouds, the sky lock into a belt. Had it not been for midday, the sun would have been invisible?!

  The Three Gorges is a "multi view" place. The seasons of the year, this place has radically different views as you enjoy. In summer, the water here is vast and the current is swift. It is a kind of unrestrained beauty. But for the sake of safety, or slightly careful. Autumn, is a sad beauty, with every morning frost, there are monkeys that mourning a whistle, it is copy from rolia.

  If you're a quiet person, it's time for you! The spring days like this show the beauty of the three gorges. Here is like snow rapids and green pools, swing the Shiba also the reflection of the things in the world are shadow, visitors can explore the head to see, well, there are reflected in the sun! On the peaks on either side of you there are many strange pines and cypresses, very interesting. Now, we are in front of both sides of the falls. The milk shed agitate, is elegant vibrant beauty, well, as the boat forward, we enjoy the beauty of water tree show, mountain grass Sheng!

  Happy times always pass so fast that our journey is over. May the Three Gorges Tour leave a good memory in your heart. Bye bye!


  Fellow passengers, friends:

  Did you have a good rest last night? After last night's rest, we must have regained strength. So we to the attractions full of energy today. May the Magnificent Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and my services bring you a pleasant journey.

  Some people say: "do not go to the Three Gorges, not to the Yangtze River.". Do not swim the Three Gorges, do not understand the Yangtze river." As we are about to set sail, little Yang Xian will make a brief introduction to the whole situation of the Three Gorges on the Yangtze river.

  First of all I would like to introduce the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River is the longest river in our country, it is the world's third longest river after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America, its source in the Tibetan Plateau of China of the Tanggula mountains, flows through Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces and autonomous regions, and finally flows into the East China Sea, a total length of 6300 kilometers, the Yangtze River Basin accounts for 1 / 5 of China's total land area, the Yangtze River is divided into three sections, above Yichang for upstream, Yichang to Hukou in the middle reaches of Hukou, following downstream.

  The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River by the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling gorge. It is west of Chongqing Fengjie Baidicheng, East Hubei nanjinguan of Yichang City, a total length of 193 kilometers, is one of the ten major scenic Chinese saying; do not travel to Chongqing Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, it is a lifetime of regret.

  Surely we can't wait to visit it! All right, our ship will arrive at the destination in 5 minutes. Please be prepared to carry your belongings with you, especially valuables. Don't forget to board the ship!

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