“范文大全” 导游词


发布时间:2017-01-03 来源:导游词 手机版



  Dear visitors:


  Everybody is good! Welcome to the famous Hangzhou West Lake. First to introduce myself, my name is Chen, you can call me Chen guide, today, I will take you to visit three tourist attractions, liulangwenying huagangguanyu Park, bridges and


  Now, our bus traveling in the Nanshan Road, the first stop is the Orioles Singing in the willows. Why I called her liulangwenying? When it spots, together we feel about it


  You see, here is the Orioles Singing in the willows, for both sides is full of willow, a gust of wind blowing, the willow like a dancer rise and dance in a happy mood, very beautiful. You listen to, "chirp" sound, is the bird happy music, they are like the willow girl musicians, willow. If you want to relax, as long as the shores of the lake for a walk, will be intoxicated.


  Now let us continue to go south, came to the bridge park. It is a bridge, in fact it is not a long bridge. Bridges Changqiao Park exceptionally quiet. If you want to stay away from the noisy city, listening to the birds, smell the sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, very comfortable. Now let's have a rest, you can take pictures, but don't fall for!


  We left the bridge now, to continue to move forward, came to the famous huagangguanyu. Now is the time, is the autumn, chrysanthemum open into the park, you can enjoy the view, but do not trample on the flowers. Huagangguanyu not only flowers, fish is more beautiful, also can go there to buy some feed feed the fish. Now everyone is free, three pm at the gate on time, please Caution!


  We are pleased to be back here, our today's tour has ended, the beauty of West Lake number is not in the past, welcome you to come. Finally, I wish you a pleasant journey, goodbye!

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