“范文大全” 发言稿


发布时间:2018-11-22 来源:发言稿 手机版


  You have two very basic choices in your life. You can live your life in fear or you can live your life in love.

  Fear is based on lack. It comes from a lack of hope or a lack of understanding or a lack of trust.

  It leads to anger which leads to bad decisions. It makes our world smaller and it makes us weaker. Fear is a lie.

  It’s the family member who tells you that you are not smart enough or the friend that tells you are not pretty or handsome enough or even yourself when you tell yourself that you are just not good enough. They mean well and, for them, it seems to be the truth. But it’s a lie nonetheless.

  You need to face your fears. And this is can be an incredibly hard thing to do. It can seem impossible because it is what you fear.

  But you cannot, you must not let it control you. Some times when you face your fear, it will melt away like a shadow from a sunbeam. Other times it gets only a little better each time you face it.

  One famous singer in America vomits every time she sings in public. Every. Single. Time. And she has been singing for decades.

  She has gold and platinum records to prove to herself that she is a great singer. She has a fan club with many fans who adore her. People pay hundreds of dollars to hear her sing.

  Yet every time she wants to perform, she still vomits from fear. She loves singing and she loves singing for her dedicated fans. So she faces her fear so that she can embrace what she loves.

  Love is hope and understanding and trust. It is so many things because it is what makes our world larger and makes us stronger.

  It is the truth in our lives. Embracing love as a way to live our lives leads us to make better decisions.

  Conquering your fears can take a second or it can take a lifetime. But it always starts with a single, small step.

  I am here to help you take that step, but I am not the only one who is willing to help you. You have many people in your life that are not only willing, but eager to help you take that step.

  So take that first step past your fear and towards loving your life. Do it today no matter how small that step is. You will be amazed by what you can achieve with your life.

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