“范文大全” 感谢信


发布时间:2020-04-17 来源:感谢信 手机版




  dear all,

  It's time to say goodbye to everyone today. I will leave this afternoon.

  In XXX years, with you good friends, I have so much happy memory. I will never forget that and they are my largest fortune in my life.

  It is my pleasure to work with you and I appreciate much that you have shared precious time with me. Thank you for sharing, support, help and encouragement and thank you for everything!

  Wish you happy and healthy!

  Keep in touch via


  Dear all colleagues,

  parents and students, On behalf of the school, we are so sentimental to hear that the following members will leave us since the next school year.

  At the same time, I would like to expremy heart-felt thanks to all of them for their whole-hearted contribution in their past living in the College and I sincerely hope that all of them earn a brighter future in their career path in the education field. General Office oMs. Wong Kam Yee (Kammy), Ms. Ng Ning Hoi (Janice) English (Primary)£oMr. Holt Lee, Mrs. Eva Yee Wah Au (Eva) Chinese£oMs.

  Tam Wai Yan (Ivy), Ms. Im Sao Kam Mathematics£oMs. Tai Ka Wai (Agnes) Liberal Studies£oMr. Yung Chak Yan (Hey) English (Secondary): Ms. Christina Lin Library£oMr.

  Tan Eee Hwee (Alfred) On the other hand, our janitor, Mr. Yau who has also contributed himself in the school for 5 years, will retire this year. May we expreour sincere gratitude of his support in the past years and hope that he enjoys his joyful after retirement.

  Dr. Law Hing Chung


  members of the leadership, colleagues:

  hello, everyone.

  the first is to thank the company for giving a good job opportunity, as well as a serving zero three years and two months of my cultivation and care, let me at any time the heart is filled with gratitude. due to personal reasons, not for the company brilliant tomorrow to contribute their strength, and in june 21st the turnover, i'm so sorry.

  in two years time, the company gives me the opportunity to participate in many sizes of the implementation of the project, make me in this job has accumulated a certain crm expertise and customer management, membership management work experience, but also learned a lot of work outside of life and truth in life. all these i cherish appreciate the company, because these are for me in the future work and life help.

  in addition, during this period of time, and a lot of good land of the people become colleagues, work together to let me benefit a lot, and i believe that in the future will be deeply affected me, i sincerely thank you, because you let me grow up. in be together morning and night and all the colleagues of the two years, also make we built from shallow to deep friendship, from the heart i hope this friendship, this feeling can continue and permanently maintained.

  i sincerely hope that the size of the company continues to expand, continue to enhance the performance! also wish the company leadership and colleagues work, happy life!

  sincerely yours



  Dear all friends,

  I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing in me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten. Thank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for enriching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350XXXXXXX. Thanks again for everything.

  Yours truly, Jiawei



  I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

  Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

  I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.


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