“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2018-12-29 来源:简历模板 手机版


  sex: female

  national: han

  political landscape: members

  date of birth: september 1989

  account: jinhua

  marital status: unmarried

  education: vocational

  graduate institutions: xxx school

  graduation time: july XX

  specialties: pharmacy

  work experience: 2 years


  job intentions

  work type: all

  nature of units: open

  expectations of the industry: medical, health, health services

  expect jobs: pharmaceutical technology and management, early childhood education, teaching assistant, customer advice / hotline support, the department assistant / secretary / clerk

  location: open

  expectations of a monthly salary: negotiable


  may XX --- july XX and graduated from pharmacy school classes yungkang major study of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, etc.

  work experience

  may XX - october XX under the chen wuyi pharmacies as a salesperson;

  october XX - march XX yiwu medical beauty as cashier and management of hospital pharmacies;

  may XX - shanghai in october XX letter chau co., ltd. as the operator of information;

  starting in november XX, culture and sport jinhua love as out-patient pharmacy intern


  i work carefully, break open the warm, like friends. like to work and life, or he will not learn a variety of things.

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