“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-02-10 来源:简历模板 手机版






  1990-Present REGENCY CORPORATION,Dallas,TX

  Sales Assistant:Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.Provide customer service via telephone.Ascertain order accuracy.Track and expedite orders.Cooperate in team endeavors.

  1987-1990 THE MUSIC MAKER,Inc.,Houston,TX

  Sales Assistant:Coordinated sales efforts of a staff of six for a large musical instruments dealership.Developed and maintained working relationships with manufacturers and customers.Supported top account executives.Maintained open files to ensure greatest customer satisfaction.


  Research Assistant:Assisted in the collection of delinquent real estate,personal property and motor vehicle excise taxes.Matched instrument of taking against daily tax title receipts.Processed petitions of foreclosure for the legal section and title searches.


  Senior Claims Investigator:Investigated and expedited claim settlements relating to ticket disputes and information request.

  1983-1984 SHERMAN BANK FOR SAVING,Sherman,TX

  Bank Teller:Interacted with customers ,processed all money and check transactions,balanced all transactions at the end of each shift.Operated a Wang Word Processor,CRT and TRW terminal,and developed a working knowledge of money market funds and TRA accounts.


  Austin College,Sherman,TX

  A.S. Business Management,1983

  Texas Institute of Banking

  Completed courses in Bank Organization and Business English,1981.


  Education is listed towards bottom of resume because candidate's practical experience outweighs his/her degree.

  Reverse chronological format focuses employer's attention on candidate's most current position.


  Personal Information

  Name: xxx

  Gender: male

  Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx

  Residency: HuangShi

  Zip Code: 435002

  Career Objective:English Teacher

  Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx

  Mobile: 0714-xxxxxxxxxxx


  Political Background:probationary party member

  Leadership Position:the chair of league member

  Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village

  Work Experience

  20xx/07-20xx/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing

  20xx/03--20xx/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing

  20xx/06-20xx/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi

  20xx/10-20xx/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies

  20xx/08-20xx/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch


  20xx/09--20xx/06 XianNing University English Education Associate

  20xx/09--20xx/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor


  20xx/10--20xx/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher

  Language Skills

  English excellent Japanese average


  20xx/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236

  20xx/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088

  20xx/06 CET-6 061242066001800

  20xx/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 20xx121141345

  20xx/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate X1140430787

  20xx/7 Teacher qualification certificate 20xx4210730000459


  national scholarship

  the first ranking scholarship

  the second ranking scholarship

  3 good’s student

  outstanding student leader9 f2 m: |# H,

  excellent League Member

  the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University

  the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson

  the third price in students’acqierement

  the outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition

  Self Assessment

  self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education



  Mr. Nationality: China

  Current residence: Foshan China: Han

  Domicile: Foshan stature: 170 cm 50 kg

  Marital status: Single Age: 21

  Practical experience

  Company Name: Guangzhou Building, beginning and ending date :20xx-02 ~ 20xx-05

  Company nature: state-owned enterprises Industry: Hospitality / Tourism

  Positions: Waiter

  Job Description: as a waiter in the hotel, catering services responsible for the guests

  Educational Background

  Graduated: Guangdong University of Technology

  Highest Level of Education: Bachelor graduation date :20xx -06-01

  By Major: Metal Material Engineering

  Job search intention and work experience

  Talent Type: graduates

  Position: computer-aided design engineers, internal combustion / thermal power / heat treatment engineers, metallurgists / Spray / Metal Material:

  Job Type: All arrived to date: one month

  Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Foshan, Guangzhou

  Ability to work and other expertise

  Better in English reading ability, get cet-4 certificate

  Skilled use of word, excel and photoshop software, won the national college computer one, two certificates

  Familiar with using computer graphics software Atutocad, Solidworks

  Self introduction

  I'm about to graduate, has been working to prepare the community to find out, in college, I have mastered the basic metal material relevant expertise university environment also gave me a lot of social practice opportunity for me to have a certain social understanding, but also because about to enter the community and feel a certain pressure, but under pressure from an early age to learn, grow, I have been ready to accept the challenge and make people believe that a certain pressure progress, the achievements of people's life

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