“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-02-10 来源:简历模板 手机版





  修改前:I have researched and written online help and user manuals。

  修改后:Developed online help and user manuals。

  修改前:Launching new products was an important part of my job。

  修改后:Instrumental in launching new products。

  修改前:I easily understand technical matters。

  修改后:Demonstrated ability to grasp technical matters。

  修改前:My staff performed well under my supervision and I always made budget。

  修改后:Successfully managed staff and resources within budget。

  修改前:I received a research grant for $100,000.

  修改后:Awarded $100,000 research grant。

  修改前:I am very experienced at programming in C++ and Java。

  修改后:Highly experienced programming C++ and Java。

  修改前:I have worked on micro, mini and mainframe computers。

  修改后:Computer platform experience includes micro, mini and mainframe。

  修改前:I know Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel very well。

  修改后:Proficient with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel。

  修改前:I have often worked with UNIX and Windows NT。

  修改后:Solid working knowledge of UNIX and Windows NT。

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