“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-03-15 来源:简历模板 手机版


  1. Search job boards and the websites of employers that appeal to you. Print out the job postings that you're interested in pursuing before you apply.


  2. Use a highlighter to mark the keywords and industry language used to describe the requirements and responsibilities.


  3. Compare those words and phrases to the language that appears in your current resume.


  4. Figure out how and where to add the most relevant keywords to your resume, assuming you have the specific knowledge, skills, and experience. Applicant tracking systems will search for keyword matches -- the more matches, the better, which often determines if a recruiter opts to view your resume.


  5. Once you're confident that your resume reflects a strong match, go ahead and submit that targeted resume online.


  6. If the system requests a cover letter, write a short one that expresses why you're a strong match and why you'd like to join the organization. This is a chance to tout your research on the role.


  7. Never submit a generic, one-size-fits-all resume or cover letter. If you really want the position, you'll customize all documents for each job.


  8. Once you apply, get to work to find an internal referral to make a personal introduction. Here's how:


  1) Key a list of 50 people you know and ask each one if they know someone who works (or has worked) at that employer.


  2) Attend job fairs to meet face-to-face with employers and other professionals.


  3) Create a free profile and become active on LinkedIn.com , which boast a combined 60 million users. Surely you can find someone who knows someone to make that connection.

  在LinkedIn.com 网站上免费注册,并在上面积极的活跃起来,因为这两个网站都有六亿的用户。那么你肯定可以在上面找到那位可以帮你介绍给那位公司老板认识的朋友。

  4) Create a free Twitter.com account and "follow" friends and post requests for help.


  5) Join an association in your field and network with like-minded peers.


  6) Connect with your high school and college alumni groups. Old pals could be new connectors.


  7) Talk to your unlikely network. For example, look at the class list of the parents of your kids' friends. Anytime my kids hear about a friend's mom or dad who's lost a job, they tell them to call me. Even though we don't know each other, we have a common connection that can sometimes lead to a contact.


  9. Follow up with a call or email to the recruiter responsible for filling the position. Never say, "Did you get my resume?" Instead be ready to reiterate your strong qualifications and interest in the role. You'll have just a brief moment to sell yourself, so rehearse before making the call or sending the email.


  10. Don't know the name of the right person? Cold-call the company and ask an operator to put you through. If that doesn't work, do a Web search on the term "recruiter" or "HR director" along with the name of your employer of choice. The results may reveal the name you're trying to find. LinkedIn is another resource to find the correct name.


  11. Stay top of mind. Every recruiter is different, which makes this a challenge. Some say you're welcome to follow up weekly. Others say every other week is enough. And then there are some who'll tell you to never call. Find the right balance so you're politely persistent without crossing over to a pest .


  12. Ask directly for advice on how and when to follow up. A simple question, "What's the best way to keep in touch?" will give you the details you need to stay ahead of the pack.


    • 千万别这样写简历

        简历不要有拼写错误  在寄出简历前,应检查一下是否有排版、拼写、语法错误,在使用文字处理软件时,使用拼写检查项并请你的朋友来检查你可能忽略的错误。不要为了省钱使用低廉质粗的纸张,更不要用已使用过的纸张,注意简历上不要沾到水渍、咖啡渍。  字体不要过小  不要压缩版面,把字体缩小到别人难以阅读的程度。如果你需要用两页纸来完成简历,请清楚、完整地把你的经历和取得的成绩表现出来。  不要给简历“注水”  不要虚构日期或职务名称试图掩盖你的职业空白期,或频繁更换工作或你实际从事的是较低

    • 名人教你写简历

        李开复在微博中指出,做好电子简历需要注意以下八个方面:  1. 联络信息中强调电子邮件;  2. 清晰简明地表述职业目标;  3. 可以插入视频或音频;  4. 将个人能力放到更明显区域;  5. 详细描绘工作经验和工作业绩,注意应包括所有关键字;  6. 将学历、专业和毕业院校集中在一行;  7. 最好在最后包含推荐人信息;  8. 最终命名时应与求职工作相关。  制作简历是大学生走向职场的第一步,也是职场必修的一门课。因为工作的原因,帮很多应届生推荐过工作,名牌大学的有之,普通大学的有之,但普遍提

    • 简历写作应真实

        真实可靠  简历的内容一定要按照个人的实际情况写作,不能带有任何虚假成分,要做到真实可靠。一份虚假的简历并不会让你获得一个职位,反而会破坏你的信誉度。诚信一个人十分重要的品质,尤其是对于刚刚出来工作的应届毕业生来说,诚信显得更加重要。没有一个企业会招聘一个没有诚信的员工。即使你能侥幸通过简历筛选进入面试,有经验的HR也能马上发现。  要有针对性  一份简历闯天下是现在大部分应届生通用的方式。没有针对确切的职位,也没有针对确切的公司,无论应聘哪间公司都采用同一份简历。求职简历注意要避免出现这种情况。最好

    • 英语个人简历介绍个人情况常用语

        个人情况常用语  Position Desired:HR Manager  Name: ******** Sex: Male/Female  Date of birth:June2,1975 Address: *****  Marital Status:Single/Married Post Code: 100001  Height: 1.70M Weight: 50 kg  Health: Excellent E-mail Address:  Pager: 191-2222222 Tel: 1232

    • 毕业生写简历,小技巧弥补不足

        1.教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。  2.奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。  3.拉长句子。每个句子都可加入一些词拉长一些。其实拉长并不难,难的是缩短。  4.自然地多换行,多写点句子。  5.加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。  6.社会工作细节放在工作经历中。这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么,联系过什么,参与过什