“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-03-25 来源:简历模板 手机版




  Basic information


  Date of birth: November 13th 198X

  Height: 165 cm

  Location: Guangdong

  Contact address: Beijing

  Email Address:

  Education background

  Secretary: Beijing university one is graduated from college

  20xx.9--20xx.7 Secretarial Major

  * accepted the Beijing School of etiquette training system

  * Familiar with office office software and other modern office equipment, typing proficiency

  * daily spoken English, good listening and speaking ability.

  Work experience

  20xx8--- far XX import and export company reception

  Receptionist and office administrative work, during the work is responsible earnestly, the leadership and colleagues alike

  Self assessment

  I am cheerful, generous, good etiquette knowledge and the reception work experience, the flexibility, agility, flexibility to work in an emergency. I think, reception work represents the company's image, although ordinary but very important job, therefore needs to do reception work with a strong sense of responsibility. I am willing to work with your company common development, progress.


  Basic information

  Gender: male name

  Date of birth: October electronic mailbox:

  Graduation date: 20xx July: Master degree

  Graduate School: Ocean University of China major: Medicinal Chemistry

  Job overview / job intention

  Job type: Full-time

  Desired salary: Negotiable

  Expected location: Shandong Province, Guangdong Province

  Desired position: human resources development of quality management, drug

  Social practice experience

  Time job duties

  20xx June Qinghai Sanpu medicine; Qinghai People's Hospital Intern

  The School Awards

  Time for obtaining awards school

  In 20xx September two scholarship of Ocean University of China

  The school duty

  As the time position name school

  Vice Minister of Qinghai University in 20xx July - 20xx September students will

  20xx September - 20xx September Secretary of Qinghai University students

  Self assessment

  As a graduate student, in the long-term scientific research activities, develop a strong sense of responsibility, work rigorous scientific attitude, can work independently, have strong team cooperation consciousness, confident but not arrogant. I hope you can give me a trial, I will go to prove with facts.


  Personal information

  female | 22 years (1991-03-11) | graduates | undergraduate

  Residential land:

  The household registration:

  Address: the provincial cities and counties

  Mobile phone number:

  E-mail: @.cn

  Online contact: (QQ)

  Marital status: single

  Height (CM):170

  Self assessment

  University four years of English, can use English proficiency in spoken and written, during the period of school as a class class, has the strong organization ability, has the team cooperation spirit.

  Job search intention

  Expected work: Full-time

  Expectations of work area: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan

  Occupation: foreign trade, trade / sales, education / training, English translation, HR / Admin

  Expected industry: Computer / software / communication and broadcasting, machinery / equipment, international freight

  Desired salary: 20xx-3999

  Education background

  20xx/9 - 20xx/6

  Education: Bachelor degree

  Professional:: English language literature

  Description: English language and literature, translation, business

  Training experience


  Location: Central South University

  Professional and certificate: oral english:

  Description: 7 day oral English training

  20xx/11-20xx/11 Jia Shen Tong Wen interpretation companies

  Venue: Le Grand Large Hotel

  Professional certificate: Interpretation of spoken English, and:

  Description: 24 days closed, listening, oral interpretation, short-term memory, sight translation training

  Language ability

  English proficiency

  French - General

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