“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2020-04-27 来源:简历模板 手机版





  in middle age: 21

  Registered permanent residence is in: maoming countries record: China

  Marital status: single people race: han

  Body high: 175 cm

  Body weight: 62 kg

  Talent type: fresh graduates

  Applied position: logistics/storage, production/operations, sales

  Term: 1

  Job types: internships available date: at any time

  Monthly salary requirements: 20xx-3500 hope work areas: guangdong, guangzhou, guangdong province

  Work experience

  Oriental hotel

  Start-stop years: 20xx-12 ~ 20xx-

  By sector: the hotel/travel

  Position: part-time

  Job description: mainly for large wedding banquet guests and general guests dining services, provide the guest service requirements.

  Leaving reason: continue to education

  Xing bo enterprise

  Start-stop years: 20xx- 20xx-08

  By sector: furniture/appliances/handicraft/toys/jewelry

  Position: summer part-time

  Job description: mainly responsible for the semi-finished products processing, toys manufactured goods and the packing of the goods of loading and unloading.

  Education experience

  Graduate school: guangdong electrical and electronic professional technology institute

  The highest degree: college degree: graduation date: 20xx-

  Special industry: logistics management

  Starting years years (institution) terminated school field obtain the certificate certificate Numbers



  Gender: female

  Graduate school: city university of technology

  Date of birth: 197 x years March 3

  Professional: industrial enterprise management (undergraduate)

  The communication address: so-and-so province on a street, a town

  Postal zip code:




  Can skilled listen, speak, read, and write. And through the national English band 4 examination. Particularly good at writing and reply to English business correspondence, proficient in use of network access relevant document in English and can be translated in time.

  Computer level:

  National computer rank examination, familiar with network and electronic business. Proficient in office automation, skilled in the operation Windows / 2 k. Can the independent operation and timely and efficient complete daily office document editing work.

  Internship experience summary

  200 x years July so-and-so chemical site e-commerce practice. During my internship main responsibility is 1. To assist in the Internet website editor of both domestic and foreign chemical information. 2. Collect and organize related Chinese and English material. 3. Sorting and translation of English material.

  Education background

  In September 200 x in July mm200x XXX university of technology

  In September 200 x mm200x years July so-and-so city the first middle school

  Major courses:

  The higher mathematics, operations research, forecast and never measure, marketing, western economics, international trade, marketing and negotiations, computer sales management, e-commerce


  Name: in middle age: 21

  Recent work

  Public department: XX stock exchange practice

  Do industry: financial/investment/securities

  Post a: intern of the highest degree

  Learn the calendar: ma

  Special industry: finance

  Learn the school: Beijing university

  Self assessment

  Life attitude, positive, optimistic upward and courage to face challenges and changes.

  Have fast learning and independent thinking; Has his own principles but can the courage to admit his mistake; Ready to active communication; Has the very strong team spirit. Has good innovation consciousness, easy to accept the new thing, adapt to the new environment.


  To the time: to be fixed

  The nature of work: full-time

  Hope industry: financial/investment/securities, the professional service (consulting, human resources), fast moving consumer goods (food, drink, the cosmetics), the bank

  The target site: Shanghai, shenzhen, Beijing

  Expect salary: negotiable/month

  Work experience

  20xx/7-20xx/9: XX stock exchange practice (150-500) [2 months]

  By sector: financial/investment/securities

  Financial product innovation of practice

  Research analysis company financial customer background and financial statements, calculates the relevant financial ratios, evaluating the customer risk and business performance, to help customers manager writing loans, credit feasibility report; Attend customer meeting, discuss details with customers to help customers manager for loan company customer for the bank accepts the draft, commercial acceptance of draft, the l/c, guarantee business.

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