“范文大全” 简历模板


发布时间:2021-06-10 来源:简历模板 手机版



  name: xxx professional: financial

  sex: male graduate institutions: xinjiang university

  date of birth: august 7, 1981 education: undergraduate

  place of origin: kuqa county of xinjiang time graduation: july 20xx

  e-mail: height: 176 cm


  1. two national first-class scholarship

  2. twice awarded the first scholarships for outstanding students

  3. miyoshi students model

  4. cadre of outstanding students

  5. xinjiang university and xinjiang tv's "macy to pump" program was awarded first place

  6. speech contest was the first

  7. shenzhen - xinjiang grants

  8. outstanding graduates

  practice and experience:

  while studying at the school in china, banks, credit cooperatives in china, china people's insurance company of a teaching practice.

  in january 22, 20xx master's graduate students to participate in the national examination.

  in the school of economics and management student work organized and participated in speech contests, quiz competitions, debates, activities such as english corner.

  from the beginning of july 20xx red camel in xinjiang biotechnology development co., ltd. deputy general manager of competence, financial director, office director, production manager and so on.

  chinese proficiency:

  able to carry out skilled listening, speaking, reading and writing. and china the chinese proficiency test (hsk) medium a level (8).

  computer level:

  through the national computer rank examination grade ii (visual foxpro), and are familiar with win98, 20xx and other applications such as operating systems and office software, is also familiar with the vf mastered programming languages.

  english level:

  a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, which is equivalent to the university 4.

  professional standards:

  familiar with the professional knowledge and get their qualification certificates.

  educational background: 2.20xx-year in september -20xx in xinjiang in july in the university of economics and management academy.

  majoring in professional courses:

  international finance, international financial practices, the international financial calculation of technical, financial and finance, securities investment, international investment, insurance, bank accounting, financial management, western economics, accounting, economic law, international trade, international tax, business negotiations, human resources management, economic writing for international settlements, international economics, and management of commercial banks, marketing, management, political economics, statistics.

  majoring in other subjects:

  higher mathematics, essentials of college english, university of chinese, mao zedong's theory of three represents, deng xiaoping theory and the important introduction, national theory, the legal basis for the local history of xinjiang, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, computer and cultural foundation, visual foxpro, marxist philosophy.

  elective courses:

  human anatomy, psychology, modern folk dance, contemporary political and economic.

  self-study courses:

  studies of the central bank, finance, real estate studies, the real estate finance, real estate operation and management

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