“范文大全” 情书


发布时间:2019-10-29 来源:情书 手机版


  dear annan,

  never did i imagine that i would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend. a year later i am leading my life with you as your fiance which i could never thought of this very time last year.

  god has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. but i hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but i am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.

  i am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that i can't find any words to describe my feelings for you. at the same time i would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks. my love for you has grown so strong that i can never imagine a life without you now.

  i will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be. my heart will always yearning for your love and care forever. i love you always.

  missing you,


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