“范文大全” 情书


发布时间:2020-01-25 来源:情书 手机版




  Dear Don Juan,

  I feel in my heart and in my soul each thing that you say to me. It is something amazing because I think that you always know when I am sad, when I am very happy or when I think of you more than I usually do. Your words show me how much you understand me you love me and how much we are connected to each other even with the distance between us, I realize each time more that we were born to each other.

  When I met you for the first time, there was a day that I thought I would forget you forever, but I was wrong because I have still got your face painted on my heart, on my soul, and in my memory. The first time I kissed you, much time has passed, but I still have your kiss burning on my lips and your cologne in all my senses.

  Maybe I dream too much but when I think of you I long to feel your touch, to whisper in your ears words that only you would hear if only you were mine. There is love so deep inside of me, my love, and in every part of me there is a part of you. You are everywhere I am and be sure that I will be standing by your side praying that you will always have a beautiful life.

  Like a star, you are already the star of my life, my sky, and my ocean. I will always need you because I cannot live without air, without water and without my soul, and you are all this for me. I love you and forever I love you. My body is still wanting to feel you and your hug and I will pray that this day won't come so late, but if it comes late, even this way I will be here for you and only for you. All my kisses to you my love, and dream of me... from a girl lost in love for you.

  Love always,



  Dear Daisy,

  It's the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!

  Your darling,



  Dear T.,

  I don't know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do; no other guy can get to my heart, but you can see through to the depths of my very soul. I care about you more than I ever knew I could care about anyone before. You see, I never thought I could love again, but now I'm so confused. My heart says yes, but my head says no. You wonder why I care about you, but it's simple: when I look into your eyes, I see beyond all the hatred you hold. I see a real person, with real needs, someone who you are afraid to be. But that's okay, because I know the truth and I will wait until the day when you'll break down your walls. Even if it takes many years, I'll be right here, waiting to love you, as I already love you now.

  Love always,

  Patiently Waiting

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