“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2019-01-21 来源:求职信 手机版


to ensure your interview is smooth and error-free, follow these five tips. 
  do some research: when you walk into a job interview, knowledge of the company’s history, goals and current activity proves to the interviewer that you are not only prepared for the interview, but also that you want to be a part of the organization.
  don’t lie: if the conversation drifts to a topic you’re not knowledgeable about, admit you don’t know the answer and then explain how you would go about finding a solution. displaying your problem-solving skills is better than babbling about something you don’t understand.
  keep it professional: although interviewers often try to create a comfortable setting to ease the job seeker’s nerves, business decorum shouldn’t disappear. avoid offering personal details that can be controversial or have no relevance to the position, such as political and religious beliefs or stories about a recent break-up.
  know what to expect: expect to hear staple interview questions: "what’s your biggest weakness?" "why do you want to work here?" "tell me about yourself." "why did you leave your last job?" these open-ended questions are harder to answer than they sound, so think about your responses before the interview.
  put on a happy face: the interview is not the time to air your grievances about being wronged by a past boss. how you speak about a previous employer gives the hiring manager an idea of how you’ll speak about him or her once you’ve moved on.

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