“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2019-03-12 来源:求职信 手机版


dear ms. mac queen:

are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing industry? maybe i can help you.

i am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at ibm corporation. based on this experience i can:

- meet large global customers' total information systems requirements

- negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements

- sell in international markets

- respond to the concerns of senior management

- leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction

although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me, you should know that my total compensation is $75,000.

i appreciate your consideration.

very truly yours,

wade b. stanford (手写体)

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      范文一敬爱的领导:  您好!  感谢您阅读我的。我是xx大学xx校区的一名应届毕业生,专业是财务会计,我希望能到您单位做会计及其相关的工作。  大学四年,我既注重基础课的学习,又重视对能力的培养。

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