“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2020-02-11 来源:求职信 手机版


  Dear Sir / Miss:

  Hello! I am a Guangdong University of fresh graduates, professionals in computer science and technology, in July next year I will graduate and undergraduate work. information in your company are currently recruiting talent, I am confident in my four years of university study will help me to candidates for these posts.

  I have good computer knowledge and ability, and this year qualified through the national level of software programmers exam! I can be trained to operate Windows xp/server2019 to build an independent web site and network applications on linux operating and networking, computer proficiency in the installation operation and maintenance, hardware and software failures to resolve independently to maintain the normal operation of the company LAN. and the use of C, asp, vfp, vb programming language. Understanding of network technology, to participate in the network in November of this year's test engineers. In addition, I also use Photoshop web site Three Musketeers will be sound and other sound-related software to work.

  My English is very prominent, in the second year through the four national examinations to obtain 6 in the third grade report card. Can be translated in English and writing, and simple oral exchanges!

  I very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential. Very much look forward to your company's face-to-face!



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