“范文大全” 求职信


发布时间:2021-05-20 来源:求职信 手机版




毕业生英文求职信 篇1

Dear leaders:

  Hello! I am a fresh college graduates,read professional is xx,from the Internet Career learned your company is,I hope to become a member of your company.

  I understand that your company is a very powerful company performance flourishing.This is what I want to join the group.I believe the company can provide me with a big stage,so that students like me be free to play to their ability to progress with the company.

  Years of college education,so I know how serious,dedicated,hard-working career but the first prerequisite.With the cause of faith and confidence in the future,I would like hard,sense,learn on the job,at work to enhance,contribute in their work.

  Enclosed with my personal information,if the opportunity to meet with you,I would be very grateful.

毕业生英文求职信 篇2

Dear sir or Madam,

  I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school .Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.

  In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses .Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I can communicate with others freely in English .I have good command of spoken and written English .At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled in computer useage ,such as CAD.

  Teaching practice do enrich my working experience .During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully .I have combined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence .I was also popular with my students. My teaching practice which increase my responsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.

毕业生英文求职信 篇3

  respect leadership:

  how do you do! please will bother. im a just from hubei economy academy graduate students. i am very honored to have the opportunity to present you my personal information. in all the society, in order to find the accord with their professional and interested in work, to achieve their life value, and to all the leaders as a self recommendation.

  we will own the brief introduction is as follows:

  i am a learning hotel management professional college students, i love my professional and for its input the enormous enthusiasm and energy. in the four years of college life, i learn from the content includes theoretical knowledge to the professional skills of learning knowledge. . through to these knowledge learning, i have this field of knowledge has a certain degree of understanding and master, and has a certain practical operation ability and technology

  in the school study, both the basic theory knowledge, or practical operation skills, i took the excellent results. in the school besides study, i also take an active part in social practice activities. once in XX to participate in the school of “a program under which officials” social practice activities. has been awarded “excellent activists” in may XX to october once went to france to study western food culture and french high star hotel practice, so that i can master more standard and system of the western food service. can the use of fluent in french and guests communication.

  i sincerely hope to be able to your hotel to realize my dream, to your hotel give my a power. at the same time also hope to be able to your hotel and the unity and cooperation among the elite. believe that can make the hotel later career progresses day by day. if i am lucky enough to add to the hotel, i would certainly work hard of do my job.


毕业生英文求职信 篇4

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.

  My name is zhaopin. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in xx University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative.

  Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully,


毕业生英文求职信 篇5

Dear Sir/Madam:

  My name is juanjuan Xu , I will graduate from Xi’an FanYi University in the year 20xx, My major is secretary in English department.

  It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study, I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge, weigh the hard work of my teachers myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, writing reading skills.

  Moreover, I have a good command of Business English the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers magazines about business trade, I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation, now I’m familiar with Office 20xx. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge, it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.

  As a college graduate, I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.

  Yours faithfully,

  juanjuan Xu

毕业生英文求职信 篇6

  Respected company leaders:


  I was about to Nanning Vocational and Technical College graduate students in an accounting profession. From the "Nanning Information Port" The newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions. I am your company's development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. I am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.

  In the two years of university life, I have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, computerized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. I seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, I made the Ministry of Education Examination Center two certification computer certification, English B level qualified Certificate, Accounting Certificate. Photographic Association, served as Deputy Secretary-General post. I grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.

  I can skilled use of office software on the computer has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. Two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. And through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important. Life of the wind and rain so I have a hard-working spirit. Honesty and trustworthiness is my character. Because I know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. Serious and responsible in their duties.

  Respected corporate leaders, if I can Receives your common sense, I will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your company's past, I came for and participation; but your company's future, I am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! I look forward to your good news. After once again my most sincere thanks!



  Job Person

毕业生英文求职信 篇7

  Dear Leaders:

  Hello: thank you very busy schedule to read my personal statement!

  My name is , yes xxxx vocational and technical college XX term students, professional is the road administration, school classes during the tam highways 07301 sports member and life member of the school and teachers are alike.

  Hanchuang years of studying, i time in accordance with "wide professional, deep foundation, strong capacity, high-quality" standard to the training and development of self, in the continuous learning and practice to improve their overall quality, has established himself as a solid professional foundation of knowledge structured and adaptable, collaborative spirit of the era of rich young people. college to study and grow honed my will, to improve my accomplishment! "no pain, no gain"! i will exert my utmost efforts, working hard to realize their own value of life. as a new century, college students, i had a kind of dare to recommend yourself for daring to explore and innovative spirit. honest and upright character made me really understand how to use and to pay to acquire someone else‘s return, i will use the efforts and wisdom to fight for my space, so that the community to accommodate me.

  Just before graduation, i began to further study and improve their practical ability to better work in the future for your company‘s development of the best i can for the cause of our province highways contribute their youth.

  I will treasure every opportunity to grasp. at school during which i develop a good learning attitude, and organizational and management capacity, i believe that future work will play a significant role. i consider myself fit and competent in this post, make achievements for the company to create value is my goal, is now handed my resume!

  I will be your company as a new starting point in my life, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, would be my great honor, i will in future work with a good work attitude and excellent performance, to reward the company. the limited time i will work that into the infinite. looking forward to your company for giving me a chance, i will also honor you.


毕业生英文求职信 篇8












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    • 毕业学生求职信范文集锦八篇

      毕业学生求职信范文集锦八篇   人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已,找工作的黄金时间马上就要到来,这时候需要开始写求职信了哦。那么怎样写好求职信呢?下面是小编收集整理的毕业学生求职信9篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。毕业学生求职信 篇1 尊敬的XX公司领导:  您好!  感谢您的百忙之中审阅我的求职自荐书,以下是我的自我介绍。  入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过3年的积累,拥有了作为1名学生应该掌握的理论基础知识和专业知识。  在学校期间,注重锻炼自己的协调合作能力,积极热情的参加学校的团体活动,并获得了

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      数学系求职信范文七篇   时间一晃而过,我们很快就要开启找工作的生活,让我们一起来学习写求职信吧。求职信要怎么写?想必这让大家都很苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家整理的数学系求职信8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。数学系求职信 篇1   您好!  我叫xx,毕业于xx学院数学系,性格活泼,开朗自信,是一个不轻易服输的人。希望我的到来能给您带来惊喜,给我带来希望。在大学四年中,我不断完善自己,参加各种课外活动。在20xx年开学军训中,我严格要求自己,被评为“军训标兵”。 20xx年和20xx年我代表数学系参加校篮球比赛,为