“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-10-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Get up early in the morning

  Every morning, in my dormitory, different alarms will go off almost at the same time. I get up  and go to the classroom, alone. What about my roommates? They have turned off the alarm and gone back to the bed. And later I’ll see them hurry into the classroom just before the class begins, maybe with breakfast in their hands. Actually this a common phenomenon among a great number of college students. They linger on bed after their alarms go off until it’s almost late for class. And when there is no class, they won’t get up until ten or eleven o’clock.

  It is such a pity to spend so precious morning time just lingering on the bed. Just as a Chinese proverb goes: an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Morning is a most efficient time for our study. Take myself for example, I get up at 6 o’clock and read English every morning even on holidays, through which I have memorized many useful words and passages. Besides, I have enough time to prepare for the first class so that I can easily follow the teachers while others may be still dozy or secretly having breakfast in class. Some of my friends ask:” Is it necessary for college students to work so hard?” Please remember, college is not the ultimate goal of our education. Bigger challenges are yet to come: looking for jobs. We all want to get good jobs. But to stand out in tomorrow’s fierce employment competition, we must get up early and make good use of every minute today to improve ourselves.  Remember, “the early bird catches the worm”.

  Some of my classmates say it’s too difficult for them to leave the comfortable bed. This is exactly the second reason why you should get up early because it is a great opportunity to conquer your laziness. If you are not determined enough to get up early, how can you expect to have the determination to deal with bigger challenges? So to improve your willpower, just start with getting up early.

  Zeng Guofan who was expert in regimen said that getting up early was the secret to

  good health. And this is my third reason. The air in our closed room becomes stale at dusk and contains a high level of carbon dioxide, which is bad for our respiratory system. And if you get up late, you will have breakfast late or even go without it, which is bad for your stomach. Besides, while we are sleeping, the activity of our brain is inhibited. If you sleep too long, your brain won’t be able to get sufficient blood supply and you will feel sleepier and dizzy when you get up.

  In conclusion, getting up early can benefit our study and future, improve our willpower and is good for our health. There are several methods you can adopt to make it easier for you: you can go to bed earlier at night; you can set up two or more alarms; when you wake up, massage your face to help drive away your doziness. Anyway, next time when your alarm goes off, try to get up, to embrace the wonderful morning, to enjoy the fresh air and to start an efficient day!

  Thank you!

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