“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-10-20 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Hello, my dear friends, it is my great honor to be here and give a speech. Today I want to talk about the importance of finding *me time*.

  May I begin my speech by asking you a question? Do you often feel tired, stressed or worried? If you do have these problems, you are lack of me-time to relax yourself. Psychologist tell us that stress is caused by too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . In my point of view, if you want to have a healthy mind and body, having your own me-time is very important.

  Let me take myself as an example. I was a carefree and outgoing girl before I entered the junior high school. I had much me-time and did anything I like after class. I kept a lovely pet and whenever I have time I played with her happily. However, the situation is quite different now. When I want to turn on the TV、surf on the internet or go out shopping with my friends, my parents always look at me seriously and say “ Don’t forget to spend more time on your lessons. If you don’t cherish every minute of your time, other students will catch up with you.”

  So, every day, every moment, I am overwhelmed by all kinds of assignments. I become more and more silent and can’t sleep well before the exams because I’m dressed and worried about my results. I feel so tired and how I want to have me time to relax myself. I long for a period of time that I could walk in a small path in the countryside, sing my favourite song and smell the essence of nature.

  My dear friends, having your own me-time is important. I firmly believe that achievements depend on our health. If we want to have a more harmonious state to work better, we should find more *me time* and keep off the overwhelm stresses. Talks, jokes, games, fresh air or beautiful scenes will be helpful for you. Trust me, you’ll be more refreshable and energetic.

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