“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-11-11 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  labor day on this day, mom and dad to visit me and beautiful along the river road.

  lantern when the first two days, a stroll along the river road in, so you a panoramic view across the river yuzhou yuan bridge, he, like the horizon of the rainbow, bridging the north-south traffic, beautiful he yuan river winding like a ribbon flowing through here, cross-strait beautiful, rippling blue river, from all the people gathered here his list.

  xing i step quickly to the triassic park, where it is the light of the oceans, the world of light, only to stand quietly around the two rows of tall, tall and straight forward to the magnolia lamp post, which is far longer looked like a fire dragon lying. in the river, but also seems to be embedded in the water park yuan neck a pearl necklace, more like a neat row of sentries, guarding the water park yuan harmony and perfection.

  yuan in the middle of the water park, where the chinese history and culture to display the statue of famous people, and confucius, wang, li bai ......their heads and some idle, some silent with respect.

  yuan look around the water park, willow snakes, breeze blowing gently, andi, i can not help but stand in admiration, yuan is the most beautiful water park, people went to the door, just like entering paradise.

  this had a very happy 51.

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