“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2017-12-01 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  A head boy who was given three weeks to live after being diagnosed with deadly cancer just before his high school graduation has defied the odds to give a heart-wrenching speech to his classmates.


  Jake Bailey, 18, made a surprise visit at the Christchurch Boy's High School assembly in New Zealand despite being told by doctors that 'he wouldn't be here tonight to deliver this speech'.


  The teenager was diagnosed with Burkitts non-Hodgkin lymphoma after several weeks of feeling unwell - a rare and aggressive form of cancer that presents rapidly enlarging tumour masses. Without immediate intense chemotherapy treatment, the fast-growing cancer can be fatal.


  In an astonishing display of bravery, he attended the assembly in his wheelchair and challenged his classmates and teachers to take hold of their lives and be 'passionately dedicated' to the now.


  Fighting back tears, Mr Bailey was unwavering in his delivery: 'Here's the thing, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities you have.'


  'We don't know where we might end up, or when we might end up.' Quoting Jim Rohn, he went on to say: 'Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.'


  With wisdom and courage well beyond his years, Mr Bailey's speech captivated the large audience as they soaked up every word. 'The future is truly in our hands. Forget about long term dreams, let‘s be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals,' Mr Bailey dared his peers. Fittingly, he finished with the school motto, 'Altiora Peto' - a Latin phrase meaning 'I aim higher.'

  百利的智慧与勇气远远超乎其年纪,他的演讲字字玑珠,句句攫取人心。“未来真心在我们手中。不去谈长远的梦想,热情投身追求眼前现有的目标吧,”百利如是鼓励同龄人。最后,百利适时以拉丁语校训“Altiora Peto”——“志存高远”结束演讲。

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