“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2018-05-05 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  the person i miss most

  when i saw the title ‘the person i ___ most’,actually i didn’t know how to do because i can’t write a appealing article with this kind of title.but now,i have to say something,so i want to talk about this guy called victor. victor was my classmate in primary school.he is a little taller than me.he has black skin but he said it is cinnamon.he is thinner than me because he is hardly ever eat his lunch.he is humorous,selfish,naughty......,these personality are just what i have.you may guess,we are close friends,but i’m not sure. it’s hard to describe our friendship.we never recognize we’re friends,but we all think we should be.when one of us had a problem,the other never help him.when one of us failed a exam or something like that,the other may laugh at him.but we still like to play with each other.

  we had a lot of good time together.we have same hobbies too,such as playing computers,playing cards and other games.to make a long story short,we are strange friends,but good friends. i don’t want to tell stories between us,because they are similar,we played tricks together,we were punished by teacher together,we fought for fun,and other crazy things. now,we are in different classes,i seldom meet him now.to be frank,i am a little miss him,miss the crazy things we did together......

  just one more thing,don’t let him know what i said just now please.

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