“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2018-05-25 来源:演讲稿 手机版

  depending on my personal experience and emotional preference, i find that self-study is an extremely important skill for those who want to learn new things.the reasons are as following.

  first, self-study is an effective way to broaden our horizon and extend our knowledge.we can arrange our time and adjust our process flexibly according to our own concrete situation. for example, as college students, we can use some of our leisure time everyday to learn other subjects by self-study in addition to our major knowledge. at the same time, we also can extend our major knowledge by self-study of other subjects.

  second, self-study is a process to develop our ability of thinking and management. self-study is a process that we gain knowledge or skills by our personal effort without others’ instruments. therefore, in this process, we need to make choices by ourselves, arrange and control time and process by ourselves, think about all kinds of questions by ourselves and find out the solution about different problems by ourselves. in brief, self-study is all about us basically.

  finally, self-study is a method to keep learning. as the saying goes, “it is never too old to learn.” and our school life will come to an end some day and only through self-study can we keep ourselves learning all the time. thus, all of us need to form the habit of self-study so that we can make a progress everyday.

  in a word, self-study is essential and necessary. keep studying something new everyday and you will find yourself improving a lot some day.








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