“范文大全” 演讲稿

I love my home英语演讲稿

发布时间:2018-06-16 来源:演讲稿 手机版

I love my home英语演讲稿

  I love my home .There are eleven people in my family. All of us are happy every day.

  I have a big family and a small family. The small family is me and my mother, also my dear father in heaven. The big family contains my maternal grandparents, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin. When we don’t(didn’t) have our own house, they let us live with them. And all of them took good care of us.

  My mother is beautiful and kind, and she is a staff at a very big company. She can write very well. She is very strict on (with) me, but she loves me very much. She tells me that she loves me every day.

  My father is very intelligent; he is an expert in his signory. He loves me very much .Although he passed away of illness, I still fell (feel) that he and his love accompanies (will accompany) with me and my mother everyday.

  My maternal grandmother was a teacher before she retired. She is very amiable. My maternal grandfather is very healthy----he can walk very fast, just like a young man. He accompanies me to the school until I was grade 4.

  My aunt is very beautiful, my uncle is very excellent. He is a software expert. They have a little baby called DangDang. He is three years old. He is very naughty and clever. Sometimes he can make you very angry, and sometimes he can make you laugh.

  And recently, we moved into our new home in October 1st. I am very glad to have my own room. And, I have a TV in my own room and I like the ICS channel it. In the past four years, we lived with them happily. Every week we get together to have a big meal and play with each other.

  All in all, having a united big family is the happiest thing in my life. They are also the greatest wealth of me. I love my family and my home forever!

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