“范文大全” 演讲稿

I love my country英语演讲稿

发布时间:2018-12-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版

 I love my country英语演讲稿

  I love my countryA country in the East who stands like a rooster, its name is China. This is my motherland, and this country is a prosperous and strong country.This year, my country has been build 60 years.The whole country’s people are very happy and they have many ways to celebrate our country’s birthday, such as hanging our national flags, arranging people to join some activities about our country.Open TV, we can see some programs about the National Day or the country’s condition, for example: The economy develops of China, and the Chinese literature and art among 60 years.I think, my country will be stronger, more prosperous, and more beautiful.Not only this, my country is very ancient too, because China is one of the ancient culture countries. We have five thousand years history, and our ancestries have many inventions what make the world was astound. Such as the powder, the compass, the papermaking, and the printing. Until now, these inventions are also famous! They called The four inventions.As for modern times, my country was injured, the Fascism’s invasion, we used 8 years to protect our country from the pains of the war. Finally, we were successful.Chinese people love peace, and we hate war. So we must be strong, our country must be strong too, so that other country can’t invade us, can’t invade our country, can’t invade our home town!!!Before 60 years, my country was very backward: people’s live condition is very terrible, and the economy has come to standstill. But now, we are very rich, many people have own cars, own house. Our live condition is developing, and more and more great!Now, I’m standing here, to praise my country, to wish her. My country, just like my mother, I can say it loudly “I love you, China!!!”I hope, after 10 years, you can be more prosperous!!!I’m very happy to stand here to say these. My classmates have joined the team that they can parade in the Tiananmen Square. Although I can’t join with them, I can do other things to praise my country. I stand here to give a speech. It’s one way to praise my country!!!Finally, thank everyone to give me a chance to show myself, In fact, I just want to say:” I love my country!!!”My speech has finish, thank you!

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