“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-01-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  i want to wish jewish communities, within britain and around the world, a happy and peaceful passover.

  this is a time when families and friends gather round the seder table to remember thestruggles of the jewish people to secure their freedom. every year, they tell this story to theirchildren so it is never forgotten.

  and what this ancient journey shows us is the enduring power of people to overcome eventhe greatest of adversity and build a better future together. and, during this celebration, we’rereminded of all those people still suffering oppression, because of their religious beliefs, raceor creed.

  that cannot be right and passover is a chance for all of us to commit ourselves again to helpingthose – of all faiths and none – who face persecution around the world.

  it’s also an opportunity for us to recognise the contribution britain’s jewish communitiesmake to every area of our society.

  thank you and chag sameach.

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