“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-06-03 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  hello ,ladies and gentlemen, i am ....,it is my great pleasure to share my ideas with you ,so here ,let us come to the point ,firstly ,i'd like to say :everyone can never forget the earthquake happened on may 15,XX in sichuan province ,everyone must have been shocked and saddened by the earthquake .

  from the moment you see that the earthquake destroyed nearly everything and thousands of children bcame unlucky ones who lost their parents ,they longed to have families to continue their lives even have lost one arm or one leg .maybe you couldn't stop yourself shedding tears at that moment ,many people keep living wihtout food or water for about 100 hours ,their great spirits should be powerful life vitality of human's .from then on ,i felt something important struck me so that want to become economically.i believe my life wouldn't be bad and it was proved to be true,so later ,during my study ,i always tell myself ,i can...,when i find some difficulities in my life ,when my goals seemed far off, when my problem seemed to overwhelming,and each time i said it ,i always come back to my senses .

  so here come to us from the extreme edge of survival ,whatever you are going through ,just tell youself .,i can...,compared what others have been through ,you are so fortunute ,just tell this to youself over and over ,it will help you get through the rough spots with little more fortitude .

  on the other hand ,what i trust is the perseverance and self confidence ,if you don't depend on the favourable environment ,if the life leads to the ahead of rugged path ,if you just believe in the opportunity and just be convinced of the wealth you have had ,if you thik you dare not ,if you never have a goal ,here ,i 'd like to have a question :"can you"?maybe you would hesitate to reply to them .

  above all ,to struggle not to relax ,just keep this firmly in our mind ,which can give you strength ,courage and strong power ,just believe you can make you dreams come true ,just believe you can make you life colourful ,because you always say:"i can..."



  i think every student in junior high school or even a new term the first class meeting is a "new semester new plan," the university did not expect to have such a ban would be the same. however, every freshman to the university of strange environments such as exploration in the dark. however, an early goal set for myself in the dark, lit as a beacon, a constant reminder to guide us forward.

  sister school seniors who passed before the exchange of experience, we can avoid detours. but everyone there is a separate individual, the experience can not be completely copied, should have its own general plan. college life includes learning, work and life. following on from the three aspects i came to my planning.

  about learning: as long as we still a student, the total should be on learning more important position. said freshman should be laid and compacted in the high number of basic english. therefore, in this two subjects put more effort is acceptable. last week the high number may be, i do feel a certain degree of difficulty, the preview before class and after school consolidation exercise is important. hope that through their practical learning in high numbers on the do not hang division. morning reading soon began to organize, which is learning english, the best opportunity to practice oral english. indeed difficult to get up early, but i, as a member of the department of learning, i not only have to set an example for other students should have acquired in the morning reading in. we have classes two nights a week only, the night a lot of time should be fully utilized. go to the library, participate in various activities that can harvest a lot of lectures! other courses i would like to attend a lecture class, exam take notes, exams should be no problem.

  about work: every freshmen want to get a job at the university to exercise their own. i was no exception, experiencing a lot of job interviews, into the three departments. will certainly be a little tired, a little busy, but i am full, know a lot of people, make more friends, learned a great deal of knowledge not in books. learning to do the work of the best things correct.

  about life: as born in wuhan, is the first time i came to the university of fully independent living. from open water to the laundry to wash, to organize the house ... everything seemed very used to. without the help of parents and care, even nagging, autonomy back to me. more were free, were less constrained; more hard copies, far fewer care; more were lazy, far fewer urge ... but bedroom, the students have the help and concern, i also feel the general home warmth.

  i believe in learning, work, find the balance between three aspects of life, go hand in hand, college life will be our life a perfect memory!

  thank you! the end of my speech!

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