“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-06-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Thank you, Headmaster.

  It is such a treat to be back here at St Andrew’s. I absolutely loved my time here; they weresome of my happiest years, which makes it so incredibly special to be here today.

  In fact, I enjoyed it so much that when I had to leave, I told my mother that I was going tocome back to be a teacher. While that didn’t quite happen, I was thrilled to have been askedback today on St. Andrew’s Day.

  It was while I was here at school that I realised my love of sport. Sport has been a huge part ofmy life, and I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunities I had to get outside and play in suchwonderful open spaces – though sadly there was nothing quite as glamorous as this in my time!

  I hope that you all enjoy playing sport here as much as I used to, and make the most of theseincredible facilities. It gives me great pleasure to declare this Astro officially open.

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