“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2019-06-20 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Malala Yousafzai, Fahma Mohamed, Emma Watson and Nimko Ali – these are just some of the incredible girls and women standing up and speaking out for gender equality around the world.

  They want what everyone, male or female, deserves; the right to a good quality education, thefreedom to make your own choices, and the chance to live your life without fear,discrimination or violence.

  Despite all of the advances we’ve made in the last few decades – to drive progress, reduceglobal poverty and tackle disease – the struggle for equality goes on. And we won’t have thepeaceful, prosperous and fairer world we all want until it’s won.

  By coming together to mark International Women’s Day 2019, we make our voices louder,celebrating the achievements of women everywhere in education, business, politics and widersociety and pushing for global action to secure these same opportunities for millions moregirls and women.

  The UK Government, my party, and I will continue to do all we can to make that happen. We’reworking to eliminate those stereotypes, prejudices and practices which, for far too long, havestopped too many girls and women having a voice and control over their own lives.

  This includes action to prevent gender-based violence such as Female Genital Mutilation. Wewant to see a worldwide end to FGM within a generation and we’re backing that vision up withinvestment and support at home and abroad.

  The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Make It Happen’. So please help us,whether through campaigning, fundraising or inspiring others to get involved.

  Together, we can make the difference – ensuring that everyone, whatever their gender orcircumstances, can realise their dreams.

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