“范文大全” 演讲稿

The Most Important Event In My Life(口语考试的演讲稿)

发布时间:2019-08-19 来源:演讲稿 手机版

The Most Important Event In My Life(口语考试的演讲稿)

  the most important event in my life(口语考试的演讲稿)

  good morning,everyone!it's a great pleasure to stand here to share my own story with you.

  what's the most important event in your life?different people may have different answers.and i have gotten my answer these days----that is coming to wuyi university where my life has great changes,in other words,the university life has brought many "first times" to me----the new experience.

  when i was at high school,i was told that the university life was wonderful,full of freedom and chanllenges,so i was really looking forward to my own life in university,dreaming of the beautiful campus,interesting courses and all kinds of activities.

  however, when it really came to me,it's a different story at the beginning.i took my first step into the campus with disappointment,beacause the buildings look too old and drad.i still remember the day when daddy drove me here and i was unwiling to get out of the car and say goodbye to him.on the way to jiangmen,i hope if only the car slowed down or the road was longer.

  there's no doubt that as a freshman i couldn't adapt myself to the new life here due to the differences between university life and high school life,in particular the one dependent like me.once i was at a boarding school,however,living in the university is not the same as before,you know,it's the first time for me to be so far away from home.i felt homesick and even a little afraid,and i phoned mummy and daddy almost every day.what's more,at home mummy and daddy do everything for me,because i am a child forever in their eyes,so they always protect me from being hurted.but now i have to learn to be independent and do everything by myself.

  as time goes by,i have met new friends who make me feel at ease on campus.gradually,i have managed to adjust myself to the life here,furthermore,i've learnt a lot from university life.being far away from home,i get to realize how deeply i love my family and how deeply they love me.even though they're not around me here in jiangmen,i was able to take good care of myself;i can wash my clothes by my own hands;i can put away my things by myself;i can go shopping with my roommates.

  now i am a member of the environmental protection association of wuyi university,where i've gotten a lot of opportunities to train myself and broaden my mind,such as working out the function plan and giving others a lesson on environnmental protection,and all of these are meaningful.when i make every effort to work on one thing,finally i make it,and the feeling is really good.i got my first part-time job last sunday.you can imagine how exciting i was when i got my paid after hours' work.now i understand the old saying''no pain,no gain.""if you think you can,you can!"

  in conclusion,coming to wuyi university let me know who i am and how to really grow up and be independent.everyone can do the best!so my dear friends,let's cherish our opportunities to study here and enjoy our school life.thank you!

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