“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2016-11-08 来源:演讲稿 手机版





  最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可视不同情况选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。








  结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。


  Dear judges:

  I am very glad to make a speech here ! Today I'd like to talk something about English.

  I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

  When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other kids . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

  Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

  On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

  I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.

  I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.

  I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

  If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

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