“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-02-23 来源:演讲稿 手机版


  Since I first steeped on my platform, I have decided to be a good and successful English teacher. However, in my class, when I gave lessons to my students, filled with enthusiasm and passion, some of the students always looked so tired and sleepy. When I spent much of my time preparing for my lessons, trying my best to make my lessons vivid and interesting, the teaching effect and feedback was not that I had expected. Moreover, when I was willing and eager to teach them all that I’ve learned, their abilities of English were still mediocre. I was looking for the reasons. And I was always asking myself: Am I good and successful? How can I be good and successful?

  There were of course many complicated reasons and factors. And in my opinion, whether I am good or not, includes many factors such as my knowledge, my personality, my quality, my methods, teaching art and so on. Absolutely, to be a good and successful English teacher is not an easy job. I need to have an excellent command of English myself to make my students appreciate me and enjoy my class. I need to have the abilities to provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and environment for the students’ study. I have to adopt efficient and various teaching methods to my students’ level. I need to develop my teaching art and skills. I should make full of each student’s ability and always encourage them to give them confidence. Therefore, “Live and learn” and “never too old to learn” have been the mottos I’ve adopted. I must improve my own abilities and skills of teaching, to keep up with the rapid development of our information age and society.

  Is that enough for me to be good and successful now? No, that’s far from enough.

  In spite of all the above aspects of good teaching is the primary and the most important requirement: love teaching and love my students.

  I’ve learned to be the students’ teacher, their elder sister, their friend, their mother and so on. I show my care and love for them. Whenever they are in trouble, being sick, feeling blue or in a bad mood, I am the person that will try to take care of them, talk with them or try to help them balance themselves in good condition. I respect and trust them. When they fall in love with sb., quarrel with friends, cannot get along well with parents, etc. I’ll analyze the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages, and give them some opinions or suggestions. I sympathize with and understand them. When they break the rules or do something wrong carelessly, I will help them out of trouble instead of scolding them. I am always strict with them and also place high and enthusiastic hopes on them to make them be strict with themselves and be confident of themselves.

  Everyone needs love. Love is one of the most magical and wonderful feelings in the world. Teachers’ love for their students can make the impossible become possible. The love can change the disvalued into valued. The love can win the students’ love and respect in return. The love can motive the students to work hard. The love can promote the students to better and better in many ways. The love can make the students open their heart to let us know what they are doing, what they are thinking about and how they are feeling.

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