“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-03-07 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Good morning everyone!

  Now the basketball is developing more and more fast. I like it very much! It gives me much happiness and a stout physique.while you are

  playing basketball,you can make of what is the team spirit. That isbasketball's marrow!

  At present Kobe Bryant is one of the best basketball players.He is was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant.And now he is in the L.A. Lakers,and being the key figure not declining to shoulder a responsibility.His ball skill is so miraculous.I like him so much!

  I wish that he could win the finals champion this year!

  That is all. Thank you everyone!


  The Origin of Basketball

  The challenge that inspired the invention of basketball came from Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, Jr., the superintendent of physical education at the international YMCA Training School. During the summer session of 1891, Gulick introduced a new course in the psychology of play, and Naismith was one of his students. In class discussions, Gulick brought up an issue that was weighing on his mind: the need for new indoor game "that would be interesting, easy to learn, and easy to play in the winter and by artificial light."

  Though the class didn't follow up on Gulick's challenge to invent such a game, Naismith found himself revisiting the issue a few months later when the physical education faculty met to discuss what was becoming a persistent problem. With the end of the fall sports season, the school once again confronted the distaste many students felt for the gymnasium work that was mandatory during the winter months. One class was particularly incorrigible, and two instructors had already tried and failed to devise activities that would interest them.


  Hello.everyone!I’m glad to introduce one of my favorite sport stars to you.

  His name is Yi Jianlian,but fans often call him “A lian”.He was born in Guangdong in 1987,his parents used to be handball players.So he began playing sports when he was just a child.When he was 12,his friends and him joined a streetball match.Although they lost the game,A lian was noticed by a baskerball coach.So he began learning play basketball in that year.In 20xx,he played baskball on the Guang Dong team.Though he is young,he has played basketball on the China Men Basketball Team since 20xx.

  A lian was called “The second Yao Ming”by many people,but he feels differently.he is just a 20 year old boy,he doesn’t have enough experience..He is tall and gifted,but he doesn’t strong enough.A lian is under too much preasure.People always comparing A lian with Yao Ming,A lian is not happy,he said he just wanted to pay more attention to playing basketball.

  A lian’s favorite basketball player in Duncan,a NBA star.On free time,he likes listening to music and playing computer games,ang he is very friendly to his fans.

  I hope that A lian will play basketball in NBA in the future.I believe this day will come quickly.

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