“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-03-13 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Catch the star

  Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles w ithin your heart.

  Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

  Accept the fact that not ev eryone is going to approve of the choices you've made. Have faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you t o your destiny's path.

  Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yo ur dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them di scourage you.

  Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.

  Find the star that twinkles in your heart?for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true. Give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.


  Respected teachers, Dear students Thanks for your appreciation. I would like to introduce myself here. :I was brought to everyone's speech entitled "Bloom Days".

  The heart of the blue sky and white clouds, hoping herons freely hover; Teachers and the heart of the campus, we want students to grow. Bloom days, we walked into the campus-happy, singing happily in the field of hope; Bloom days, we traveled the oceans in campus-knowledge, and teachers together to weave a dream; Bloom days, we are willing to feel the joy of music to write music harmonious campus! ~

  Students! Time changes in the elderly quietly capable, we do not have the feeling that time is flying? He was a poet Tao Yuanming had such a sigh : "The prime emphasis, on the 1st difficult morning. When timely encouragement, time is not on our side. "We have some sense of urgency. We young people are the springtime of life; Good morning, it is the rising sun! We are the generation that will straddle the school into this century; Into education in the new millennium! We will become a torrent of criticism storms warriors, who happened to be the time when honor and arduous! All learning is the only way into the event; Is the basis of all creation. We should study hard and sweat lay the foundations of the buildings; Hard to obtain the value of time spent; To the bright red five-star flag of his hands; Only in this way can be worthy descendants of the Chinese nation, can we assume a link between the past and the future glorious mission!

  Teachers to enlighten the knowledge of our culture, our ignorance to knowledge, from naive to mature; Teacher to our knowledge of rain, we need the wholehearted acceptance of the treasure to pay teachers, and respect the teacher's work, mutual respect and mutual love students, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for learning!

  Students! We are filled with hope and confidence to Rap, "Life" knock the door of the mystery of life is so rich and broad. There are countless treasures waiting to mining; There are countless dangerous peak waiting to be climbed. Waiting for us to draw a blueprint for countless. The flowers in the days allocated to scatter the seeds of hope and hard work! ~

  Students! It is that the fallen flowers, we are leading the way for our great motherland; We have a rich learning environment for our campus escort; We have our most respected teachers of navigation! We have no reason not to come out of a mix of flowers? Future is not a dream, this is in our hands, let us passion for the game, so injection of youth, putting together a life without any regrets!


  Is Failure a Bad Thing Failure is a common thing in our daily life. As students, we sometimes fail to get high scores in our exams.

  When we play games, we might be beaten by others. And there are times when we fail to do work well. All these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has such experiences.

  However, there are different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart when they fail; they think the world is at its end.

  Some people don‘t take failure seriously but just let it be, while some others learn much from failure, and therefore see the light of hope through failure.

  In my opinion, what is really important is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and what we do after failure.

  As long as we don‘t give up, keeping believing in ourselves, and at the same time learn something from failure, we‘ll certainly make our mark in the end.

  So I am never afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is not a bad thing. Rather, “Failure is the mother of success.


  Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!

  I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! To begin with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody dream a good dream last night? Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.

  Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners(水手),we can chart our course by them. With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused.With the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.

  But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always comfort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead .

  Young!Fortunately, I am young now. Just due to it, I know that nothing is impossible.I firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way. If

  I can't realize my dream,it result from that I haven't work harder enough and I won't find other excuses. If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right. If you think the god haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you can become the god and create the truth.

  "My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains." At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements. Each achievement results from my hard work. I always believe that "If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder."

  In some extent, the dream is the hope. If you can insist on doing something, the victory will come.

  Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. Let's--- move ----out!

  Thank you for your listening!


  Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles w ithin your heart.

  Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

  Accept the fact that not ev eryone is going to approve of the choices you've made. Have faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you t o your destiny's path.

  Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yo ur dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them di scourage you.

  Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.

  Find the star that twinkles in your heart?for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true. Give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.

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