“范文大全” 演讲稿

英语演讲稿:Be Grateful to Life

发布时间:2020-03-19 来源:演讲稿 手机版

  下面是英语演讲稿:Be Grateful to Life,希望范文大全小编整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读:

英语演讲稿:Be Grateful to Life

  英语演讲稿:Be Grateful to Life

  It is certainly unlucky for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt had three reasons to be grateful. This story tells us we should learn to be grateful in our life. There is a sentence from Mahatma Gandhi:“Live as you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever. ” Great people are always showing their love to the world, just as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Norman Bethune and so on. How about us?

  You can not do everything, but still you can do something. So, be grateful to your life, all the people and things in your life.

  Be grateful to the nature, for the fresh air you breathe, the clean water you drink, the beautiful flower you smell.

  Be grateful to your parents, for they gave birth to you and taught you right from wrong.

  Be grateful to your teachers, for they let you understand “what”,“how”and“why” with great patience.

  Be grateful to your friends, for you have known each other since you were 9 or 10 and faced the difficulties together for so many years.

  Mother Teresa once said:“People really need help, but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway; Give the world the best you have and you may get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.” At last I want to say: being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life. Why don’t we have a try?let,s get it started!  Be grateful to your lover, for he/she gave you love and helped you find the sun every time you were down.

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