“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-04-17 来源:演讲稿 手机版



关于梦想英语励志演讲 篇【1】

  Respect teacher, dear students: I am a number, today, the topic of my speech is "flying dreams".

  Flying dream, light the hope. The eighteenth big attracted worldwide attention, now, everyone is talking about the Chinese dream, xi jinping, general secretary, said: "I think that, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the Chinese nation in modern times the greatest dream". The teacher gave us interpret this sentence said: "the Chinese dream is to realize the national prosperity, national rejuvenation, people's happiness." As a primary school student, I want to say that my "dream" is to become a great writer, like bing xin's grandmother to return parents with their patriotic enthusiasm, dedication to the motherland!

  "Chinese dream" let me remember a celebrity once said: the happiest thing in the world, is to struggle for a noble ideal. Language lesson I learned on - as long as the dream through struggle, it may become a reality. Even if you don't succeed, I also don't regret, because, at least I tried, struggle.

  In the third grade, weeks is project on Thursdays. It was my first time to write the real article, always fear to write in the heart is bad, will be criticized by the teacher, students will be a joke. According to the guidance of the teacher, I just want to clear through after school life. The teacher emphasized to highlight the word "wonderful". The more I think more difficult, I don't know how to show the "wonderful". Was particularly annoyed, I remember the teacher said: "the interesting plot, intense scenes, moving pictures, different name is wonderful." So I decided to write the last story competition.

  In the article. Write me to the competition area, at the sight of the lively scene, was tense. Write this part I highlighted the psychological activity in particular. Then I wrote the game process, especially wrote my performance on the stage. Hands began to tremble, head of words don't obedient, hide, also can not find out, is really urgent person. Casual glance, I am a teacher in the audience smile raise me up, mother in the audience the thumbs-up sign, let me have the confidence, strange to say, those who hide and seek with me words, sentences active appeared, I speak story has special devotion, applause dropped, I overcome myself, finished the story, also won the second prize. In the paper, I also wrote a bring me the joy of leisure activity.

  I put the paper for the first time, the teacher praised me to use a lot at ordinary times the accumulation of words, there are a lot of wonderful expression, said I was a young writer. I hear my became a little writer, thought from his great writer dream, close to the many. The heart indescribably happy.

  "Without the continuous bitter cold, how have no rainbow had the eyes no tears", learning to let me see only study hard, will succeed. As long as is a game, I want to attend, exercise self in order to achieve my dream.

  China is also a dream, I dream. China is day by day prosperous, the Chinese are day by day rich. If China is an ocean, I am a drop of water, only hundreds of millions of water droplets together, can become the sea. I want to fly dream, thousands of people to fly dream, China dream can be realized to fly over.

  Fly, my dream! The Chinese dream, fly!

关于梦想英语励志演讲 篇【2】

  The classmate of everyone, teacher: hello! Today, I want to lecture on the topic of "my ideal".

  Each person, has a very different ideal. If a person has no ideal, just like sailing on the sea ship didn't sail, so, a person's ideal is extremely important. In our students, some people want to be a teacher; Some people want to be a doctor; Some people want to be a police; Some people want to be the boss... And my ideal is when a famous writer, with small pen to write a good article.

  Why do I want to be a good writer? Because people in the joys and sorrows of life, can bring endless sigh. And write a good article is long and difficult, because to modify more, many somes of literary grace. When oneself hard to write a good article, is everyone admired, and confidence to myself a lot of, feel is worth for the hard writing before, but no sweet without sweat.

  Of course, we are all love fantasy of his own bright future. And some of the students, just simply fantasy, no to ideal. I think, for their own ideals and efforts. I know the way the writer, the likelihood is rough, and is a famous writer? Therefore, I will study hard since I was a child, when the writer to lay a solid foundation for the future.

  I know that when the writer, the first to write articles have literary grace. So, I'm going to this, we had a good word when reading, see the beautiful words, do not hesitate to extract. Often took a look at and read it. Over time, just record in your mind deeply, literary grace is much a few minutes.

  I also know that being a writer, "in the original life, above life", so I have also prepared a diary. Take out every night, just record the meaningful or interesting things. It's okay when double, can recall memories of the past, and write a composition, take out can also reference reference, better material into writing.

  A small poem, a short article, is is my childhood "little writers" little trace. And writing on "little writers" can add a lot of light. So, I will go forward to the front of the unknown, big step. Remember my ideal, struggle for it!

关于梦想英语励志演讲 篇【3】

  Dream, it is a fantastic word! i like it! everyone has a dream, so do i. we can’t do anything without dream!

  i like wild animals. tiger, elephant, panda, polar bear, koala and dolphin! they are so lovely! there are so many animals live in the wild! i like them!but many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction. for example, with the development of cities, their living areas have become narrower and narrower. many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. at the same time, man is killing them just for getting their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

  protect them, protect our resources of ecology too. all of us should realize that the loss of any species is the loss of ourself. killing wild animals certain is prohibited. we should say “no!”to leather clothing. we should say “no!” to eat them. we should set up many national parks as wild life. let them live there, happy and safe.

  wild animals and us are member of the planet!

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