“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-05-03 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Respect teacher, dear students: good morning, everyone!

  The topic of my speech under the flag today is "flying ideal".

  Ideal is the wind, blows the boat of life. Ideal is the rain, moisten the flower of life. An eagle has a desire for the blue sky, soar to the sky; A big tree had to sunlight is yearning, to straight into the sky; A person has the pursuit of ideals, to go further on the road of life. Flying ideal, is to let the future; Flying ideal, is to let life.

  In this ideal relays, we fight on the ball, free and easy, the tranquility of the reading in the classroom, the playground running strong, listen to the teacher carefully in class and desk hard toil, grasping the pulse of the time. Because we know: a man's life is limited, the youth is short. Madame Curie once said: "when you have a great aim, and you will work as a rest". Similarly, when we have big dreams, we will consider learning a enjoy, because that is the ideal ladder, is the only way to success.

  Zhou enlai aspire to re-create in teenager revealed "for the rise of the Chinese reading" grandiloquence, finally he become a generation of great men, the founding fathers. Yue fei childhood, then set the service to our country "loyalty" hongzhi, eventually he proved to his own action, to achieve the ideal. Only to fly the ideal person, in the path of life sword cut thorns, not afraid of failure, go forward; Only have the courage to release the ideal person to get their goal, the direction of; Life can only be in flying ideal person, find their own position on the big stage, deduce wonderful life, decorate insipid life. If there are building hundreds of feet high; Even if there are flowers numerous thousands of trees. We still need to have the forthright temperament and noble ideals; We still need to be full of passion and high bearing, ideal self heart brave and firmly to the blue sky to fly.

  As the saying goes: "where there is a will, there is a way." The classmates, let us fly their own ideal, do not bow before difficulties, do not give up in the face of a setback, have the courage to challenge themselves, beyond the self, improve themselves, believe that there must be a dream come true that day!








  Dear every leader, teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is "my dream" in China.

  Someone says: the dream, it is a pair of wings, in my heart, dream is the desire of the heart; Dream is a power forward. It is because of dream, we will brave face of the hardships of life, overcome difficulties, still in the rough.

  "The chaffinch Ann know far more zai", is the dream of Chen involved. "Why not xiongnu home", is the dream of huo qubing. "Become a scholar, not famous oath is not", is the dream of MAO zedong.

  I, an ordinary primary school students, there is no wisdom, but I have my own dream. I love since childhood dream, the dream of innocence is blue, water is clear, the grass is green, the flowers smell sweet! I fly freely in the blue sky of the motherland. My dream is in front of the school: father healthier, mother is more beautiful, I am more strong, our family happiness. After school, the teacher taught me: dream to higher and further, not only little homes, and country, greater national dream. So, China's dream is my dream, my dream is the Chinese dream! Small attached to dream big dreams, little dream together, comprise the nation's dream!!!!!

  This dream, like a destination, waiting for me to; This dream, like a peak, waiting for me to climb.

  My dream is like a mother when a primary school teacher. Because the teacher like a red candle, lit up the children's future. The teacher like the spring rain, the little drops of the knowledge in the children's heart. Flying dream speech I want to become a scientist. I want to invent a kind of "intelligent robot", it has and the wisdom of the people, can do many things. So I can let my mother no longer hard, can easily spend every day!

  I would like to become a pilot, drives the motherland warhawk, flying in the blue sky, protect the motherland airspace.

  There are many stages in one's life. Each stage has a new dream, when you realize the dream, the next stage of the dream to follow. Young is strong, the country strong. The young rich, the national wealth. Juvenile is closely related to the motherland, the fewer who are not.

  Have a dream, we can grow up; Have a dream, we can have the future; Have a dream, our motherland will be more powerful; Have a dream, can our world more beautiful!

  My speech ended, thank you!


  My Dream

  Hi, everyone, my name is XX. I’m X years old .Today I will tell you my dream.

  My dream is to be an astronaut to the moon in the future. I want to go to the moon because the moon is very beautiful, I like it. Second, on the moon, I can fly in the space without plane. Third, I want to research minerals to help the people on the earth. Some minerals are very rare on the earth, but I can find more on the moon. Some minerals people use them too much so that only a few left, I can find more on the moon. This is the most important reason for me to be the astronaut.

  How can I be an astronaut? Firstly, I can read some books about the space and the moon. Secondly, I can learn hard now to get more knowledge. Next, I should have a healthy body. I will eat more healthy food, like rice, vegetables and fruits. And I will eat less unhealthy food, such as candies and snacks. I also need do exercise to be stronger and thinner. At last, I can help others from now on. I can help teachers clean the classroom. When the classmates have something they don’t know, I can tell them. I can help my parents too; I will do more things by myself. I believe my dream can come true when I grow up. When I become the astronaut, I can also take you to the moon, do you like it?

  Thank you.

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