“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-05-08 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Dear every leader colleagues:

  How do you do! The title of my speech today is "with great team spirit"

  There is an old saying well said: "one thousand people together the force of one thousand people ten thousand people infidelity a single person to use". If one thousand people unite as one you can show the strength of more than one thousand people. If ten thousand people alienation however even a person's strength is nothing like!

  this is the power of the team! This is we need team spirit!

  To everyone baofeng county bureau of the play leading group's whole function is good strong solidarity and collaboration ethos is work has a deep powerful and effective. This is a dare to face tough team it is with such a team to make our fiscal work on a new step.

  Today with the rapid development of social economy and the increasingly fierce market competition an enterprise want to occupy a place in the competition to develop a unit by what? An entrepreneur personal heroism? A a person fight alone? No! That was the setting sun scenery is no longer! We are engaged in financial work too and only through the unity cooperation to do a good job to get good grades.

  Throughout the course of the baofeng fiscal reforms from establish account management to accounting delegation from the government procurement to the financial audit from the department budget to the national Treasury centralized payment and we are now implementing financial fine management there is a important factor that is the team spirit of solidarity and cooperation!

  For the words "both together tai shan shift". Unity can make a family more happiness; Unity can make a country more prosperous. Similarly unity can make our baofeng financial more brilliant.

  Mr Zhang is the use of the team power of haier group after just 15 years led a shortfall of 1.47 million small factory developed into the Chinese electrical appliances first brand is the power of the team for haier on the wings to take off.

  World famous enterprise American general motors by a problems of overlapping organizations severe losses of the enterprise miraculously rise and grow into the world top 500 enterprises not only benefited from its xiongnu Welch characters more thanks to Welch under the the efforts of each member in the team.


  Any of us in this world is not exist in isolation are all kinds of relations with the people around me. No matter what occupation you no matter when and where you are is inseparable from the cooperation with others. Especially in the modern society if you want to succeed you must learn to cooperate.

  And we are now a member of the SIC in this is a team more need to cooperation. So all of us will know cooperation understanding and learn to cooperate.

  What is the cooperation? As the name suggests the cooperation is to cooperate with each other common get things done. There are many things in this world only through the mutual cooperation between people. One learns to cooperate with others also will get the keys to open the door to success. So people often say: small cooperation have small achievement great cooperation with great achievements it is hard to have what achievement not cooperation. This is a very precious life we should remember to wish.

  What is the effective way of cooperation? We have seen symphony orchestra in the concert hall or TV play it is a model of human cooperation. What is the strength to make hundreds of musicians dozens of different instruments so perfect cooperation and - harmonic? I think this is mainly rely on highly unified group goal and everyone in order to achieve this goal must have a spirit of collaboration.

  In the activities in the SIC we also worked together for the sake of our activities we unite as one in cooperation with each other to grow. Beam in our activities I believe you have thought that the next activity how can we better cooperation to make up any shortfall in the activity.

  How then should we cooperation let us do better?


  Dear leaders colleagues:

  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

  I is the production of XX is a great pleasure to speak here as a representative of the team. As a member of the team I know this is a heavy honor but also to our motivation and stimulation. Through the honor we see the recognition of our company at the same time also saw the company of our hope for our great trust in this case we would like to thank the company give us the honor and incentive thank each department for our support and cooperation as we know the honor is only we a successful performance is the way that we advance a goblin it witnessed the growth and progress of our department.

  To recall the past we had a hard had a laugh and in this year our department has always been to improve product quality as the first to let the employees and encourage employees to earnestly study and implement the company's spirit of the meeting. Because through continuous efforts just have this kind of acceptance and recognition is the honorary tixtle of "outstanding team" the honor is the common effort of our staff but also the pride of our production every employee. The award is our department's collective idea also build more good work stxyle. But the results represent the past it is our ladder rather than a stumbling block and we should be standing on level 1 level 1 to climb up it.

  Through this honor let's see although we are serious efforts made a good performance in various aspects but there are many of the deficiencies. One is in the workshop production safety is a learning and strengthening but the depth and breadth; Second the workshop work positioning no let employees to further improve their work ability; Three is not bold enough in work always change work in continuous learning method and can't go in the innovative practice to promote. Therefore in order to let the honor forever let employees work harder go forward to make the following points as the aim of future work.

  A serious study improve the work efficiency

  We will earnestly study and implement the company spirit of the meeting keep in mind the company to do the first brand of edible fungi industry chain of China's vision actively mobilize the staff's subjective initiative improve work efficiency.

  Second improve the ability to work completes the work of the department

  We want according to the characteristics of the production of each working procedure find time to learn the knowledge training their skills and improve their professional level in the practical work combine theoretical knowledge and experience to make all staff of the department.

  Third positive enterprising department is same

  We should conscientiously do a good job in the department of trying to complete the company issued all tasks at the same time to assist the ministries needed assistance we should try to be with each department communication up and down to unite.

  "There is no perfect individual only perfect team" only good collective just can have excellent individuals only the continuous improvement of individual collective great progress. Perhaps we are not good enough but we work hard toward a good chap although we are ordinary but we walk every step steadfastly attentively treasure every single day.

  In a colleagues as long as we take collective as to create your own home to pay will have the happiness of harvest honor and self-gratification. Here I am proud of the collective the collective was proud of me! Let's not high not leadership concern not all colleagues to cooperate and support work together create a bao jie more beautiful tomorrow together!

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