“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-07-29 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  Today more and more students are inclined to stay up at night.They enjoy the night so much that they don't go to bed until deep into the night or even until the next morning.Hower that would do harm to their health.Students who usually stay up can get tired the next day and they often sleep in class.They can't listen to the teachers heart and soul.As time goes on,they will do bad in their study ,and will be poor health.

  For these reasons,I would like to advise those students who are staying up not to do that again!You should go to bed before 11 in the evening.Will you take my advice?


  Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them.

  As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her.

  She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems.

  Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.


  Health is far more important than wealth and wisdom.Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.On the contrary,poor health tends to deprive us of our interest in everything around us.How to stay healthy concerns everyone,though we have advanced medicine.When we discuss this,some fundamental principles should be brought in mind.

  Firstly,it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of digestion.Secondly,we have to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating habits.Proper nutrition is important for good health.Avoid food with lots of sugar and fat.Eat plenty of foods high in protein.Thirdly,we?d better do morning exercise every day,do sports frequently to make our bodies strong.Besides,we have to avoid too much work pressure.Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system,making us get sick easily.Finally,we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health,such as drinking and smoking.

  In conclusion,if we stick to things according to the aspects mentioned above,we?ll lead a healthy life and become as fit as a fiddle.

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