“范文大全” 演讲稿


发布时间:2020-09-11 来源:演讲稿 手机版




  It's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. Then today I want to talk something about dreams and reality.

  As the famous Russian litterateur Lev Tolstoy said, “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.” So there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. Have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible will connect with our most treasured dreams? Maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. To others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. So make our dreams a part of our reality. And make our reality a part of our dreams. There is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. Improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together.

  As a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .But everyone must see the reality clearly at first. Your family condition, your personal ability, your social intercourse, your subject and the job you want to do, these things show you the reality and lead you to establish a dream.

  Further more, difficult or otherwise, we should put the power of reality into our dreams. Last but not least remember to work hard at the task of chasing our dreams. Do believe that we can achieve our ideal step by step by the passage of time!

  In the end, I want to share with you a poetry <app:lookup:poetry> named " I think I can"

  Maybe you can not understand the meaning of the poetry , But do not be worried ,Let me tell you the meaning

  Thank you for your listening!


  Has anyone asked you, what is your dream?

  Childhood, when we still do not understand the meaning of the word, the mother told us that the dream is your dream to imagine the bold. It may not be realized, but it is your expectations of a good. Dream of life is the real meaning of life, dreams are the United States, so long since we became a dream come true beliefs.

  You have, perhaps the hands of a dream is sugar, or to a small toy pistol. Because it can bring you happiness;

  You have, perhaps the dream is for all 61 performances in dance, or in a particular contest winners. Because it can give you awards;

  You have, perhaps the dream is a good report card, or a jealousy for all of the admission notice. Because it will bring you success.

  Have had the dream, then the total variability, the total small hearts then let us boiling. If one day achieve my dream, I will know the feeling of happiness; if one day achieve my dream, I will know the feeling of reward; if one day achieve my dream, I will know the feeling of success. If, if, that is, if nothing else ... ...

  Gulong once said: "never dream a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very from the worth thinking deeply." We desire a better life with all the imagination, dreams come from. However, the reality is because it has a very worthy of the same people thought the distance, it will be the driving force of our lives, because all the beautiful dreams, all our efforts to achieve. Who would not dream exist. Because there are too many reality of helplessness, so we will have 10,000 kinds of perfect vision. It is hard to say what is impossible, the dream of yesterday, it can be today's hope, and even can become tomorrow's reality. If I were to say the distance between dreams and reality, then please let us ask ourselves, our own life, what we really want? Today, we have long been out of immature, dream, is no longer a sugar, is the gun is performing is the award-winning. We have already gone through the darkness of three years, the dream is no longer a university admission notice. We have, dreams of the University of paradise, now, what we have in the dream? Is to study hard every day up to four years after the study section of the study to better schools? Or into the community has a good work to achieve the value of your life? Is traveling around the world to enjoy life, or fight the cause, accomplished? Think carefully, beautiful dream, virtually traction is no longer us, traction advance our efforts to live. Do not want to say that there is no dream we have the desire to survive. You are only alive, it will inevitably have their own dream. It no matter how vague, the total potential in our hearts so that we can never receive a tranquil state of mind until they become a reality. Dream and reality can be a total let us food for thought.

  No one willing to ordinary life, but there is only one of Confucius, Mao Zedong is also only one of their big, big business, exceeding the limit of my dream, we can do is to have an unusual dream. We can not laugh a waste of people dream of recovery when the scientists, nor laughter of the small staff of the bank board the lunar dream, the dream of non-class, non-hierarchical, and the reality of the divide such as this can very well Xinghai, small than drains, no matter big Or Small , did not reach the other side of the end is not alone with the failure of the definition of life to pessimistic. Yu said that the cause of the pursuit of a person who can "dream" to do higher. Although the beginning of a dream, but as long as do non-stop, do not easily give up, dreams can come true. So, not to care about the distance between them how insurmountable, not to escape life, escapism, escape efforts. Asked me the distance between dreams and reality, I do not have a ruler to measure accurately, but would like to talk a out a true story. The hero is not my story, my story more than representative.


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen; when I was in the primary school, I had a dream, I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate. How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be “fulfilled”? Why do we have to surrender to the so-called “reality”? What is the reality actually?

  Ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. It is barrier keeping us from all possible fantasies. Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, “man could not fly” was still regarded as the “reality”. Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do? How did some of you get to Macao? Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. People say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. And if, unfortunately, Mr.Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all. AIDS will never be curable as this is the reality; People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; Disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality.

  Ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? Please raise your hands. Oh, quite a number of you! Actually, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Every one of us has to make a living, right? Anyway I hope your task will be accomplished. How many of you think hat you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don’t dream anymore? Dear adjudicators, what do you think? C.S.Lewis once said, “You are never too old to dream a new dream. “So for our future, please dream and be unrealistic. Now that I am university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. But at the same time, I have dream deeply rooted in our future. One day, people living in the areas now sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. One day, from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries and those from the countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. One day , different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be eliminated. One day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. One day, our dream will defeat the reality!

  Thank you very much!

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